I give mine some fruit and then a bottle
You can do strawberry and a banana!
We are doing 2 solid meals a day. I nurse her first, and then 40 min later, I give her fruit or veggies. If I give fruit in the morning, I'll do veggies in the afternoon.
Or today I blended banana and strawberry and mixed it with yogurt.
We nurse first then she’ll get whatever our older kiddos are having. Usually pancakes, eggs, and a fruit. But she just gets a small amount and cut appropriately for BLW
Today I gave her cream of wheat with banana mixed in and a tiny bit of cinnamon and ginger. For a while we were doing blended watermelon with baby cereal.
You can try feeding at a different time? Maybe do lunch and dinner vs breakfasts and lunch. She might just not be hungry at the time.
Lately it’s been banana but I’m going to start doing toast strips and scrambled eggs
Pumpkin, avocado and broccoli puree 😁
I gave my daughter baby food but I breast feed and I only did it a couple times she will give h a sign that she wants baby food
I still give mine a bottle bc she still doesn’t eat solids she’s just not interested 😭