Working moms

For all the moms that had to go back to work after 4 months… how did you do it??? I literally cry everytime I think about sending my little baby to daycare… they don’t know him like I do and what if i miss so many first? What if he starts sitting up or crawling at daycare without me? I don’t want to go back to work at all but as a single mom I literally need to work for us to survive. I just need world of encouragement and maybe a tip on how I can stay home longer without losing my job and maybe also still getting paid
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Hey, I'm a stay at home single mum with a 6 month old. I'm looking for work atm bc I had to quit my job when I fell pregnant and bub is in daycare twice a week, it is so good for their development to be around other babies their own age and I find that my daycare is really good at hiding if kids have learnt a new skill. My boy has been going for a month and hes developed so much since then. I totally get wanting to stay home longer but needing to work. I'm on Parenting payments (I live in Aus) and live with my parents, that's the only way I'm able to stay home longer. But I'm looking for work so we can move into our own house. Just think about all the activities he will try and friends he will make. It'll be okay mama ❤️

To be honest, it was HARD... I've been working remotely for 5 years and I thought working remote with a baby would be easy but it wasn't.. I switched from full time to part time and it was still difficult so my spouse told me my mental health and the baby is more important so I put in my 2 weeks and last week was my last week. I also have my own business and focus on that when I have time when baby is taking naps which I am grateful for but to report to someone else's company was way too complicated and I was unable to give my work and baby my full attention.. What do you do for work?

I think of it as I'm doing all this for him not my self and that he'll be fine don't think about what could happen think about when you'll see him after work and give him all the cuddles and kisses when picking up

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