When did you go back to work and what hours do/did you do?

Will probably get some hateful comments and I know i am lucky to have the options.. but my 9months end in May and I’m really dreading going back to work. I’m an admin assistant so I can work from home but not sure i would get much done with a 9month old. I don’t want to put my son in to a nursery, my parents could have him though but not everyday. I have no idea if i should take the whole year off (I know my work will be disappointed), or what hours to work etc if i do go back in May. I just feel so totally obsessed with my son and feel depressed thinking of leaving him to go to work 😔 What hours/days do you work? Or any advice?
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My first I went back when she was 7 weeks old it was really tough. But my partner and I did opposite work hours he did 8-1 and I did 2-10 because I was a chef in a kitchen. It was nice knowing she had my partner. I wish I had taken more leave but since it was unpaid and I took a month off before having her I needed to make some money again. I worked Wednesday thru Sunday. I would say you could maybe try it if you want to go back to work but if it’s not necessary take the time with your little one and soak up all the baby time ❤️

I went back on 3 days a week and my mum would have my little girl, then when she reached 16 months I put her in nursery 2 mornings a week. My mum works too so it gives her some time. I like 3 days because I’m still home more than I’m at work. My job also includes some weekend working and my husband is home weekends. It’s incredibly hard going back and I burst into tears several times on my first day back. But I’m glad I did because it was nice to feel like me again x

Haven't gone back to work yet, but I'm having a year off and planning to go back 3 days a week and my mum, sister and mother in law will be having him a day each ☺️

I went back to work 3 weeks ago after 10 months off. I work 3 days a week and the balance is good. She goes to my mum for 1 day then my aunty for 2 days. Honestly going to work has been great. It's nice to have adult conversation and I have far more energy at home xx

I'm off for about 13 months ish, going back to work 4 days a week and baby will be in nursery 🙂

I'm going back the day after my daughter turns 1. Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30. She's going nursery 2 days a week and I plan in WFH at least 2 days

I’m compressing my full time hours to 4 days. Son will be in nursery from 9 months down the road for 4 full days as I’d rather that than family anyway. I work from home but can’t have him there while I work.

@Helen Can i ask what you do for work? As i’d love to work from home but not sure if i’d get too distracted

I'm going back in a week when my baby will be 9m, I'm going back 20 hours a week (2 days) and I've taken up a cleaning job on the weekends which is just 2 hours each day and I can take the baby with me ❤️

I'm a data officer. I basically sit and remove data that's no longer required on the system by law, maintain the system and add updates that are requested, and pull reports. There's more to it, but that's the main thing I do. I also help main admin and do phones, so usually 30 calls a day and cover any admin jobs required. So sometimes. It's a bit chaotic some days, but I need distractions to work when I'm at work or I don't focus.

Went back 4 weeks ago when baby turned 9 months. I do 19.5 hours across 3 days x

I took 13 months off, last few months were tough but even now that I'm back at work, I couldn't imagine having gone back earlier. I will end up working 3.5 days a week, wish it was 3 but can't afford it. I used the holidays I was owed to go back gradually so started with 2 days a week, then 3 and then 3.5 over a 2.5 month period of time. My LG goes to nursery 3 days and she loves it I love seeing all the activities she has at nursery, stuff that I probably wouldn't do with her, she's also learning so much.

I went back after 9 months ,3 days a week 10-4 My mum had my little one for the 3 days and then when I qualified for the 15 free hours when she was 2 years old she goes to a child minders 2 times a week x

I’ve taken the year and due back 8th April. I’m a teacher so have opted to go back 4 days until September.

Went back to working 20 hours over two days a week when baby was 14 weeks (I got no maternity pay or allowance), he had to go to nursery and being so young I think he didn't really go through the separation phase. I did miss him so much but got used to it. He is now 18 months and I do three days.

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Going back soon and my baby boy is turning 6m this Saturday

I'm going back on March 10th, 3 days after my LG turns 5 months. I'm doing 2 nights (8pm-8am) and a Saturday late (1pm-8.30pm) so my husband will have her whilst I'm at work. I'm only dropping 1 shift (Friday 7.30am-3.30pm) as we have no one nearby to help with childcare and none of the nurseries by us let them do 1 day a week. I'm nervous about going back as I've been off since July (work in a school and went on mat leave as term started in September) but more of trying to catch up with new things at work as I know she'll be fine with her Dad. Could you go back part time and do 2 days in the office (parents could watch him) then 1 day at home with flexibility to work around his feeds/naps? Also I know some companies stipulate in your contract you can't be looking after your child whilst working so may be worth checking that (my husband's old job was hybrid and they said employees couldn't work the same days from home each week, as they didn't want parents looking after their kids whilst working)

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