What degree do you have? And why are you not interested in putting SAHM on your resume? If you handled anything like schedules, budgets, activities, etc it can be linked to jobs that you are interested in applying to just a suggestion
I’m in the UK and I assume you’re not since you’ve said resume, but here at least, I’d recommend to list your experience on the resume and then in your covering letter/email to the hiring manager, you say “I have been a stay at home mother for x years, which has provided me with excellent experience and understanding of the challenges that come with working with children” or “…with the patience and empathy for working with this demographic” or whatever skills the job requires. I would not recommend not addressing the gap at all because big gaps can make employers nervous and you might not get shortlisted for an interview stage. Always think about how you can turn your disadvantage into your advantage (instead I lack this specific experience, think about what unique insight you bring from the experience you do have, eg quick learner, can think on my feet We’re in different countries so I don’t want to point you in the wrong direction, but that’s what worked for me! Good luck ♥️
You can look up a job advert, download it and upload it to chatgpt alongside what you've just posted here and ask it to give you a CV for that job, my friends swear by it so worth a try
@Adriana as a recruiter, she should leave it off and explain the gap as she needs to in interviews.
Also, I’m not interested in putting down that I’m a stay at home mom. If they ask me I’ll verbally explain.