Narcissistic alcoholic

My partner is a huge narcissist. When he drinks he is truly vile. He loves to sit and hurl abuse about my family to me, anything wrong I’ve ever done, say I’m a bad mother, zero emotional support from him about anything. He goes on and on at me. Every name under the sun. Basically I don’t have a partner. I’m really done but I can’t leave yet. How do you put up with this shit - how do you block it out because I can’t listen anymore. I’m currently sick and I just want to have peace and rest but I can’t I’m hugely stressed on top of illness. Any tips welcome. right now I can’t take it anymore
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You shouldn't have to put up with that. I have been in your situation and it was only when i got assaulted that i managed to get out of it. There are people out there who can help, splitz, nelson trust. Alway here if you need to chat xx

Honey, you don't have to put up with that. If he starts drinking you need to spend some time elsewhere. Take the kids to a park, or on a play date, or a walk, or to grandma's house. Just don't be around for that kind of treatment.

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