saline nasal spray and calpol plug in! my little one had a cold a few weeks ago and it really helped x
Dont use calpol plug ins until 3 months old! But saline spray is really useful and can be used from birth x
Anyone know if you can use snuffle babe if I don’t put it on his skin maybe on a muslin near him? Remember doing it with my oldest but can’t remember how old she was
Saline nasal spray and an aspirator. Spray the spray, wait a few ,minutes then suck the snot out. Gross but an absolute godsend. You can get both in Tesco! Absolute godsend. My baby is 4 months and has had 2 colds and both times it's made the world of difference. Just keep on top of it, I did it routinely before bed, in the morning and regularly throughout the day if she started to sound snotty! You can get electric aspirators but absolutely no need. The usual one is fine, cost about a 5er in Tesco I think by snufflebabe. One end in the nose and the other end in your mouth like a straw!
Sit in a steamy shower/ bathroom . Also try and have him propped up slightly . Unfortunately babies get colds all the time just lots of cuddles and TLC . You can get things to suck out snot as well as some baby nasal sprays . If you can find a small cotton bud gently tickle the inside of his nose with it and it will make him sneeze (after using spray)