Ex has just after 1 year and 7 months of not paying anything has not started sending £100 for the past two months. I was wondering if I should still apply for CMS or it’s worth just accepting the £100. Any ideas would be helpful?
I personally think it'd be worth it. You may be entitled to more from him... also if this is the first he's paid, you could have got £1900 from him in that time, or at the very least recorded as arrears
@Chiara he pays for 3 other children also
There are cms calculators you can use to see how much you'd get from him if you went down that route. Might be worth doing that and weighing up the difference
I personally think it'd be worth it. You may be entitled to more from him... also if this is the first he's paid, you could have got £1900 from him in that time, or at the very least recorded as arrears