Return to work

Hi all! I’m back to work in 4 weeks. How do you manage leaving your baby without them crying? My daughter cries a lot when I leave her even for 10mins. I have been single handedly managing so far (most of the time). My mum is coming from India to help and will meet her for the first time. Do babies eventually adjust? I’m really worried—any tips? Also, if there is any advice for return to work then let me know. My friend said that the people at work expect me to be fully ready to be back so I should try to be as organised as possible. What things can I do to achieve that?
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Hi! How old will your daughter be when you go back to work? I'm sorry I don't have any specific advice as haven't been through it but I've been to the odd baby class where a grandma has been looking after baby who was like 10 months. They said that often baby was upset for few days but eventually they get used to it. I think they go through a stage of separation anxiety anyway at around 8/9 months I think? Where they often are extra clingy around mum etc so maybe your daughter is going through that now and that will improve. Definitely do some shorter periods with your mum to start with - leave baby with her for an hour or 2 and build up. Your baby will be in good hands if with your mum and she will get used to it, might just be hard for few days to start with but just think lots of babies go to nursery at that age and that's a whole new unfamiliar environment etc which would be even harder! Eventually they just get used to it ☺️. What your friend said about work sounds a bit mean do you have any KIT days?

When your mum comes over if it’s before you go back to work leave the house on your own let your mum have your lo for half an hour then build it up she will finally adjust it will take time but she will and then if you do it before you go back to work and she’s fine you can fully consintate on your job. For going back to work try take a bit of time and do any training if you have to and just remember you’ve had 9 months off it’s a long time don’t put to much pressure on yourself everything will be how it walk

My daughter is the same she cries when I leave, however she is adjusting to my mum. We started practising short times when I would go out, just an hour and then build it up. I did the same with my first daughter who also cried but settled once I had left the house.They do adjust, you can also leave a jumper that smells like you and some pictures. It will be okay 🙏

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