@Danielle Thank you! I have told our second in charge. If it continues I will speak to my LM. I am really finding it very hard to leave my little one.
how old is your LO if you don’t mind me asking?
@Saba she is 9 months old.
When I returned to work I was lucky enough to get some free coaching through the Maternity Teacher Paternity Teacher project. I'd highly recommend looking into it. I think I did a free group coaching session and then there was the opportunity to sign up for four hours of individual coaching. Also is there anyone you can speak to at work who has been through the return from maternity leave and who might have some words of advice for you?
@Sophie thank you so much Sophie. I will look into this. I have just emailed them. I definitely go do with something like this!
I think everyone feels like this. So many of my Mum friends (in all jobs) are looking to move. I would speak to your LM and see what can be done to support you. X