Almost 4year old with extreme mood swings…
I’m hoping we are just going through something but 4 year old is experiencing some severe mood swings. She is soooo stubborn and when she is upset there is no getting through to her. It’s hard because on some scenarios I think she is being funny. Like when she tells us that the baby sitter is mean to her when we 1000% know that is not the case. She just told her no which apparently I don’t do enough. Can anyone give my some suggestions on things to do and practice to help her improve her behavior.
I wouldn't try to reason or explain anything when she's upset, just be there for her. Give hugs or space or whatever she prefers, but hold firm on the boundaries. My son would get so upset and not be able to communicate anything and that made him more angry so I would pick him up into a hug and say breathe with me and then I would take deep breaths (very exaggerated breaths). He would cry and say I have no breath, but after me doing 2 or 3 times he was mimicking it. The best thing we can do is keep our calm to show them how to keep theirs. It takes practice for us and them. I would also start explaining the difference between what is firm rules and being mean so that she knows when to tell you if something is truly happening.