Hey moms here are some of my Journey prompts I wanted to share. I hope they help someone 🤍

1. What are the specific things that are making me feel like a burden or like I’m not enough? Can I challenge any of these thoughts? 2. What do I need right now to feel seen or heard? What would make me feel more understood? 3. What are the small things in my life that bring me joy, even if they’re tiny? How can I make space for them today? 4. What does my “ideal self” look like, and what does she do differently from how I feel now? How can I take one small step toward her today? 5. How would I talk to a friend who is feeling the way I do right now? What kindness or encouragement would I offer them? 6. If I could let go of one thing that’s weighing on me right now, what would it be? How can I slowly begin to release it? 7. What am I grateful for today, no matter how small? 8. What’s one thing I can do today that would help me feel more energized, even if it’s just for a moment? 9. What do I need to forgive myself for today? 10. What would “self-compassion” look like for me in this moment?
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Thanks for these. Perfect timing

These are wonderful. Thank you.

Thank you for kindly sharing. ❤️

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