Moms in their 40s

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Moms in their 40s

Moms looking to chat with other moms in their 40s about - whatever.

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E in Local recommendations

Any mums in the UK

Hi, any mums in the UK here? I'm 39.... 40 towards end of the year..

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A in Other

How do you survive?!

I'm a sahm with an almost one and a half year old, a dog and a tiny house where my husband wfh. We want to kill one another because we're packed like sardines. I do also have a lot of trauma and some mental health issues that I am working hard on but boy is it a slog. How do you ladies do it? I am happy at times or...

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N in Fertility treatments

How many manys had their kids after 40

Was it with or without IVF?

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A in Activities for kids

Age Appropriate Chores

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Any suggestions on age appropriate chores?

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D in C-section

Caesarian vs Vaginal Birth ?

I’m 44yo and 10 weeks pregnant with first baby (IVF). At my first OBY appointment (private through work) he assumed I’d be happy with a C-section. TBH both sound scary, seems like you choose if you want a cut belly or torn VJJ. I (think I) have a preference for natural (to trigger normal hormones for breastfeeding a...

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