@Josie are they really? This gives me a bit of hope 🤞🏼 it says I’m due on, on Friday/saturday. Are you the same?
I’m due on Sunday!
You’re only 9DPO today so it’s very early still 🤞🏼
@Josie hopefully we don’t come on this weekend 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 I’ve got everything crossed for you x
you too! x
@Tara do you think? I keep seeing loads of people on here with lines 6dpo+ I did get light pink discharge on Sunday when I wiped but we had just had sex though that’s never happened before.
@Josie my peanut app saying due Sunday actually- the 2 apps are 2 days out of eachother so this gives me hope that it is too early 🤞🏼
you could be as early as 8/9 dpo still, also with the possibility of late implantation I definitely wouldn't say you're "out". Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻
also when trying to conceive it's usually recommend to have sex every other day. You can do it every day if it's not putting pressure on either of you but doing it every other day is just as effective as sperm can live in the vagina for up to 5 days 😊
@Laci Thankyou I’m really hoping I don’t come on this weekend 🤞🏼❤️
@Laci I don’t think there’s any pressure on my husband he’s bloody loving it 😂 I’m enjoying the excitement to be fair it’s just the wait out I find the most pressure is x
If you don’t fall pregnant this cycle though, I’d really recommend getting you both on the proceive conception tablets. I was on them for 2 cycles and my partner for 1 and it really increased his sperm quantity xx
@Tara I’ve not heard of them I will get some ordered after this weekend if we need too- Thankyou x
@Tara did you have a sperm test? We’ve been using Impryl but I’m not convinced.
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@Yog we didn’t, that was the next step if we didn’t conceive in 6 months (we fell pregnant in the first cycle, miscarried and then fell pregnant again 3 months later). It’s definitely increased the amount he was producing though, even he said he noticed the difference x
@Tara which day did you test positive?
@Josie 7 / 8 dpo 🥰
@Josie I think I can see the faintest line ever on a strip test this morning. I’m hoping tomorrow may be a bit more visible 🤞🏼
That’s great!! I did a test yesterday (early detect) and it was blank the window and came back to it later (about five hours) there was a line it could be evaporation line but could also be very very low levels apparently
@Josie there is hope for us both 🤞🏼
fingers crossed for you both!! 🤞🏻🫶🏻
@Laci I’ve done a couple today with very very faint lines- I’m going to wait til Sunday to do my digital 🤞🏼 Thankyou
I got a positive 😮 fingers crossed for you too!
@Josie awhhh amazing! I’m going to wait til Saturday to do the digital so my husband is with me ❤️ fingers crossed! I had another faint positive this morning on the strip test 🤞🏼 xx
Ahhhh amazing!!!!!
Woooo congratulations! 💖
@Josie Thankyou so much and you too ☺️
Omg congratulations to both of you!! ❤️
My dates are identical to yours down to ovulation! I rationalised it’s the earliest you can possibly test today? Fingers crossed 🤞