She will soon realise not to act a certain way and be naughty. Also try to make sure you praise him when he's being good and make a big deal out of it so it makes him feel good. Mine doesn't have accidents or refuse food ect. But also a good one is maybe give him choices especially with food and getting dressed, give him 2 healthy choices of food to choose or a choice or 2 outfits and try making it fun
Yes! Seemingly out of nowhere we have hitting, kicking, trying to bite and screaming when she gets frustrated or doesn't want to do something. Honestly we're just riding it out with praising good behaviour, and preventing her from hurting us/herself when she sets off. Then she's back to her normal polite self and I feel like an emotional wreck 😄🫠
Yep exactly the same. However I have a 7 month old baby so could be jealousy too! I think it's just a phase xx
We're going through the same. Highly recommend this book has lots of great ideas that are helping us. "How to talk so little kids will listen"
Thank you ladies it's good to know I'm not alone xx
@Tanya thank you so much going to get this x
Thanks everyone. Glad I'm not the only one hopefully it's just a short phase 🤞
I wrote a WhatsApp status about this earlier with my daughter 😅 your not alone and my little “Chucky” her nickname until this faze has gone cuz she feral 😂 she an October 21 baby I do give her two options with clothes which works but at the min she loving wearing dresses so it not too bad at the moment
My little girl is going through a phase atm with her bad behaviour, but we also have a 10 week old baby so that might have something to do with it aswell although she gets plenty of one on one time too from both me and her dad and she's never left out, but we've already has 3 massive meltdowns this morning, the way I'm dealing with it is trying to stay calm and not shout when she's misbehaving, and having consequences but following through with them, she doesn't get to watch tv, or go to park and do nice things in general, we was going to take her to soft play at the weekend but she was being naughty so we didn't take her, she cried but once she calmed down I explained why we wasn't taking her and she apologised but we still didn't take her because she needs to learn that she won't get rewarded with bad behaviour. It's gotten worse these last few weeks it's like it come out of nowhere, when she's good she's amazing, sweet, caring and loves her brother. I'm hoping with having consequences.....