I went back to work in November full time, but I do condensed hours over 4 days. I hardly see my LO for those 4 days but then get to spend 3 days together over the weekend. It's definitely tough but I also like having the balance between my adult role and my mummy role, and my LO gets so much from nursery too. I'm lucky that I work for a flexible employer so I've been able to just make up my hours if there is a nursery event etc... x
Yes 40 hours plus 12 hours of commuting shift work. It’s hard to juggle but it definitely gets easier! I really cherish my days off with my little boy now x
@Tara How many days are they in nursery? Our baby loves it too thankfully!
@Yasmin That sounds like a lot! You are doing amazing. Yeah I feel like that, I definitely cherish those days off now! X
She's in nursery 5 days a week! We were going to drop to 4 but she loves it so much that I'd actually feel bad taking her out 😂
@Tara That's great! 😄
It definitely gets easier with time, it helps that my LO loves nursery!