My husband works from home and it's impossible with a child there, he wouldn't be able to do his work and look after a child something would slip
Impossible, I had to do it 1 day a week with my son and NO work got done and i finished the day stressed AF! When I return after mat leave this time my 9month old will be going nursery 4 days a week x
My 3 tr old is having a sick day today. I have done about 5% of what I normally would get done and been embarrassed in a call 3 times.
I've done it a handful of times over three years and it's really difficult. You can't focus enough on one or the other so it's not fair on the child or the employer really. I found myself catching up once he was in bed which isn't ideal either
I’ve done it for the past 6 years. Some days are hard but routine is good when they are smaller and I had stations of activities and toys. Now both my kids are in school so I have until 2 without them and then finish my shift with them home. Same thing, activities while I work
I do it now although I'm about to go switch for an office based job but it's great for my nearly 5yo for when he's sick but not for my 15mo. So I'd say it depends on the age of the child
It was impossible to work & care for LO simultaneously. I lasted about a week until I hired a nanny.
I have three under 3 years old. I’ve been WFH after 6 months maternity leave with each child. 1st baby, went back at 6 months and I had her in a playpen next to my desk. Riddled with mum guilt, trying to do naps and bottles I’d be panicking because I’d be away from my desk. I depended on Ms Rachel and toy rotation. When I was pregnant we started paying grandma to help, I’d work in the same room and she’d play with baby and that was much better. With second baby I banked all my holiday so I’d have 2 days off work each week, on days when I worked my husband would make sure he was home. With 3rd baby I’ll go back in a couple more months. We will do the same, so holidays every week where I’ll exclusively look after the kids, and my husband has had to tweak his work life so he’s WFH too. our eldest will also be starting nursery so we’ll be back down to just the two little ones. We live by routine and schedules. It’s exhausting, mundane and stressful physically, mentally and emotionally
I've had my son home with me since I came back from maternity leave. He's now 14 months and I'm expecting again in April. It was easier in the beginning, but gets harder the older they get due to less naps. I plan on putting him in daycare when he's around 18 months and I'll keep the Newborn home with me for as long as possible. It's something that I'm grateful for the ability to do, but it's really stressful and most days I feel like I'm failing at both.
I only do it when nursery won’t take him due to sickness - it’s impossible and I basically don’t work that day apart from when he’s napping!
It’s so hard. I can only really do it while he naps. I started when he was a newborn. It took me like 12 hours to get through my workday. I was exhausted. My vision started getting blurry. It was a nightmare. Right now I just do it part time and it’s more manageable.
The noise is the hardest part
Basically you can’t do your job properly or parent properly (or safely) so if returning to work then arrange childcare preferably away from home. I wouldn’t he happy any of my staff wfh while looking after their kids - I would employ somebody else.
My 3 year old goes to daycare 3x a week, my 8 month old is with me full time. It's harddddddddddd. I have a job that requires video meetings sporadically throughout the day and it's very challenging to keep the kid occupied while I try to focus on meetings. Luckily I don't have to have back to back meetings that frequently. But I feel lucky I get this time with him even if I can't give him 100% of my attention 100% of the time