
Hello, I need some friendly feedback. So I recently got out of a mentally, emotionally, verbally and financially abusive relationship and we have three kids together ( 4 week old, 18months and a 5 year old). We agreed that I would have full custody but he would get the older two Mondays and Thursdays after school and they would spend the night and I would stay for a couple hours so he can see the youngest. He is unable to keep them on the weekends because he works 9a-1p, 5p-1a on Saturday and 5p-1a on Sunday. My mom is telling me that I shouldn’t let the spend the night during the week because our 5 yr old is in kindergarten and thinks it will mess up his schedule. Should I let him see his kids from 3:30-7:30 on Monday’s and Thursdays or should I let them spend the night?? I want to do the best thing possible for my kids. We are trying to co parent but my mom likes to always have a say in whatever I do.
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I think as long as you maintain a good routine and he is reliable in sticking with it, it shouldn’t be an issue for them to stay with him. All that matters is consistency, so if you do homework when they get home at your place or wind down time or whatever, he needs to do the same. Dinner at the same time, same house rules, etc. Also, only if he still lives within the school district so they’re not going on long car rides. And also as long as he isn’t verbally/mentally/emotionally abusive to them as well, of course, and he is able to maintain an amicable relationship with you through it all. Aside from that, I’m proud of you. It can be really hard to break free from that, be a strong single mom, and STILL have the ability to be a good coparent. Your kids are blessed. Don’t feel bad for separating them from their dad or struggling to make sure they see him; he did that. You’re setting a good example for them.

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