Parents in Law..

Just thinking ahead to when the baby comes about family coming round. My family are local and would know to drop in for a bit in the early days then go but my parents in law live about 3 hours away so when they come they would stay which is all good. My partners mum is really nice but quite overbearing for long periods of time aka a day and I know she will tell me what to do😂. So firstly do you think it’s fair to ask them to hold off coming for a couple weeks minimum and secondly just to tell his mum to only say for a couple nights max? I don’t wanna upset anyone but also she will drive me round the bend!
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100% set boundaries you’re comfortable with. Can’t please everyone, focus on yourself. Just make sure you and your partner are on the same page. It’s better to come from him to his own parents. Personally I wouldn’t want people staying over , they’d be in a hotel 😂. Whilst in that newborn bubble I couldn’t have my in-laws with me for 24/7 for a few nights. My husband and I are going to have the first 2-4 weeks just us before visitors with the exception of my mum and dad mainly because they’re local and will be supporting me when he goes back to work.

It’s great that you’re thinking ahead, as you’ll be very sensitive, and you don’t want anything making things more difficult. This is a situation where you need to set firm boundaries and put yourself first! With my first, I asked a few friends for advice, and it was the best thing I did! I decided not to have any overnight guests for at least 4-6 weeks because we wanted to settle as a family unit without anyone commenting on how we were doing things. My mum and sister live really far away, so they came for four or five days when my baby was six weeks old, and it was amazing. By that time, I had adjusted a bit to a daily routine and had also found my feet as a new mum.

Yeah I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. You could say you want some time to settle after coming home from hospital and once you’re ready, you’ll let them know. For now you can only accommodate them for a few days while you adjust to having a new baby. Your recovery and baby are the priority. If people don’t respect that then they shouldn’t be visiting

@Sarah I don’t want any of them staying over ideally 😂but I know his mum will be like I’ll sleep on the sofa or whatever it’s just my husband isn’t great when it comes to speaking up but hopefully in this case he will but I also understand he will be so excited to introduce the baby to them.

100,000%! Set those boundaries hard, Mumma! You will not regret it ❤️ Is there a way they could stay in a nearby hotel? Air BnB? Or even a campervan on your driveway, so you have some walls + doors in between? We had very few visitors when my 1st child was born, in the early weeks, and none for longer than 2hr. In all honesty, there were times my partner took our daughter to his parents’ house, so they could see her + I could rest. I liked this option cos at the end of the visit, he could just leave, after whatever duration he wanted, rather than awkwardly having to ask people to leave your house. Plus I also didn’t have to host them, and I could just sleep.

With my first we had the first two weeks (while my partner was on leave) at home together then his parents came for 1 or 2 weeks (I can’t remember now). They live overseas so staying is the only option. I wasn’t sure about it but I ended up finding it really useful to have the extra support once my partner was back at work, as they could hold the baby while I showered or tried to get 20 mins sleep. They were also a great help with cooking/washing etc (and weren’t overbearing). However I was also very happy they weren’t there immediately while my partner was at home. It is completely your choice and depends on personalities etc. This time they are planning to come for the birth to look after our toddler.

I don’t think you’re out of order at all and it’s good to set boundaries!! You could also ask that they stay at a local hotel if you want a bit more space from them xxx

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