Am I overreacting or would you be upset too

I'm 20 weeks with our last baby. This has been a super rough pregnancy on me (HG) Yesterday I went to the store and husband asked what I got. I said cookie dough and icecream. He said "gross". Like what!? For one, he forgot that today was 20 weeks. Some flowers or a simple little woohoo! today would've been nice. For two, I'm pregnant! If I want cookie dough and ice cream, there's nothing wrong with that!!! I'm hurt that he forgot I'm 20 weeks and views it as no big deal. Am I in my feelings and overreacting? Should I let it go or bring it up again?
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I personally wouldn't bring it up because tbh in my head men are stupid. To an extent. He may or may not know how symbolic it is to you. They just see us as being pregnant and they just know what month baby is supposed to come. I've been married five years and previously divorced. I am 30. Im just saying I wouldn't bring it up because the little things we care about tends to go over there head. They are wired differently. Also congratulations on 20 weeks because your halfway through! I was there with you about 3 weeks ago. I was happy for myself because it'll be over sooner than later. I love this for you. Eat as much ice cream as you want and celebrate with those who understands what that means to you. Also side note just because he might not be as responsive doesn't mean he doesn't care.

I honestly relate so much but my husband isn’t much into really celebrating or getting excited so I hardly mention the weeks nowadays 🥺

20 weeks is really exciting! My husband barely knows which week we’re in and I can’t blame him with having a toddler, busy careers, moving, etc. if he wants to say gross to cookie dough ice cream, just remind him of that when he tries to share it with you lol.

Yeah men are simple and he may just feel like it’s another day of pregnancy lol. I’m sure he would have brought it up if he knew it would hurt your feelings but men also need to be told! They’re all simple minded Sally’s 😅 congrats girl I’m 20 weeks too!💕

My loving husband wouldn’t know I’m 20 weeks unless I told him. So I wouldn’t expect him to bring me anything. But I wouldn’t be upset about it. He’s not a tracker. He wouldn’t understand the significance especially if work and other kids are in the mix. As far as your sweet treat I guess I would have to hear how it was expressed. If it was just because it’s not something he’d eat then fair enough. But if he’s saying it because he thinks you’re disgusting then that’s another issue.

I don't really see the significance of celebrating the half way point and unless you previously told him that the date was significant to you, it's unreasonable to expect him to know this. I do think his comment about your food choice is rude though! Hopefully he was saying it in a playful, joking way. If it upsets you then bring it up nicely.

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