How unusual are we talking here? Khreahtyve spellings unusual? Uncommon but not unheard of names? Completely made up/fantasy/fandom inspired names? Personally, I'd lean towards unusual but not unheard of for a first name and go as crazy and creative as you want on the middle name
@Raqi nothing made up or spelled atrociously. Just rarely heard on kids nowadays. Think along the lines of Ptolomy, Osiris, Aristotle in terms of unusual
I like how the names sound together. I prefer more unique names, so all of my daughters' names are uncommon.
I think it’s ok to go double unusual. I want to know the options though. If it’s really out there they might want a middle name they can go by instead
@Jessica I agree. Share the names please! No hate just honest opinions. My son has 4 names I can’t say a whole lot lol.
We going double ‘different’ Sorley Fox . We wanted a nature themed name. Also the meaning of Sorley is outdoorsy too and Scottish.
@Raqi khreahtyve 🤣 laughed at this 🤣❤️
No, for me it is about how the names sounds together and that includes the surname and if the initial letters create any sort of word.