Introducing dog & newborn

Hi! Due our first baby in May, we have a 5yo chihuahua who we adore and is used to having us all to herself! The plan for labour is that my in-laws will look after her at their place until we’re settled with baby and ready to have her home. I don’t want to leave it too long as want baby & doggo to get used to one another (doggo is quite yappy, classic chi!) Does anyone have any advice about how to go about introducing them, including how long to allow for settling in before she joins us at home? (I think my in-laws are pretty flexible with how long they’ll keep our dog for) Pic of rascal doggo in comments 🐾
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Our dog stayed with my in laws for about 5 days, and they bought her over to see us / smell the baby on day 4 just to be sure. She then went back to them for a couple of days after another week or so as we just couldn’t walk her enough and she needed the attention; I had a c section for context so I was barely able to get around the house! X

Hi, she’s beautiful. I have 2 dogs, a Labrador and a chihuahua. My mum had my dogs at my house while we was in hospital to keep everything ad normal as possible for them. When we got home my partner took baby straight upstairs and I went to greet the dogs downstairs and let them get any excitement out (I was at the hospital for a week and I am the favourite pawrent) I then took the chihuahua up first as he’s more gentle and he just sniffed baby and got in his own bed. The Labrador I took up on a lead and he was so good with baby, I ensure to maintain boundaries. Baby is now 8 months and there’s never been any issues. They are both amazing with my son. All dogs are different though, but don’t be worried as they know more than they let on x

I introduced after 8 days because I had a c section and we wanted my dad there when they met and he was abroad. I sent home vests from the hospital that smelt of the baby and gave them to my dog and she slept with them during the 8 days. They met with the baby in the Moses basket and the dog on the lead and then we let her off the lead and I held him and she sniffed him. She’s been amazing with him and I’ve had no issues, she used to get very worried when he cried as a new born but she’s relaxed a lot more now he’s 10 months. Now she just runs away when he chases her 😂

I had my baby in November, I had a hospital stay of 5 days due to being induced and then having to stay in after due to a few complications. My dog Daisy stayed with Auntie Cas for a while so we could get used to having our baby at home. I used a cellular blanket a few times so it would have mine and baby's scent on it, I gave to my partner to take to Daisy while I was still in the hospital. She cuddled up with the blanket and got used to the smell so when she was introduced to baby she was fine. Daisy turned 12 in December so she's an old girl! They both get on great, she comes to join in for cuddles with us, she knows to wait for me to approve before she does it though. I think the blanket and slow introduction helped a lot.

I’m currently reading Dogs, Bumps and Babies by Aileen Stephenson and it has some great advice and ideas in here. Things that I didn’t think could upset/ confuse my pup that I need to be aware/ plan for. Would highly recommend

We have 3 dogs (4 when baby was born), 2 being chis and 1 Boston - my best advice is act like absolutely nothing has changed and just come home like you’re coming home from the shop. One of our chis is absolutely besotted with our LG, can’t wait for them to be best friends! Also send something home from the hospital if possible that baby has had to just be in the house with the dog (not to get excited over or made a fuss of, just there) 🙂

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