Wedding dilemma
So I've decided I'm not attending my husbands family wedding as I'm due the day before and even if baby arrives before I don't fancy taking them to a wedding. In this case I'm also keeping my younger daughter at home with me as she is autistic and hates larger crowds and I am her comfort. I also don't want the stress on myself or my husband so we have decided he will go and I'll stay at home with the kids ( depending on the fact I might be in labour in which case he won't be there ) but my in laws are cross and have said my daughter was supposed to be a flower girl and I have never been told this yet wedding due in a few months and even if they would have suggested because she's autistic id have said no anyway. So it's all a bit of a big fuss. What do you think would you go ? X
If your daughter was to be flower girl and wedding is just a few months away when were they planning to tell u and sort her dress anyway. You technically could wait and see the week or 2 before how your feeling, how appointments are going etc but ideally no bride wants drop outs in the run up to a wedding - I had this and hated it ruined seating plans etc. i would make your decision explain to the family and stick with it