Have you tried sitting him up in his highchair for a few mins a day? Use a tea towel to support him if he leans to one side. Or maybe give the mama's and papa's snug or bug a go as its seated play. X
@Jenna (Jen) spoken to HV, she just said not to worry (ha!), that they all go at their own pace and to try sitting him on the floor more with pillows behind him, which seems kinda pointless cos he’ll just fall onto them immediately?
@Tahmina we do have the mamas and papas chair which he does play in for a short while each day. He does sit in it but definitely doesn’t have full control in it either, can sometimes lean to one side :(
My baby didn’t sit up confidently till 8ish months, she started sitting up from 6 months but would Always topple Over. I just did a lot of sitting up practice and sat behind her and played with her in that position, eventually one day she did it herself don’t worry your LO One will get there x
My girl is the same. She was born on 4th July so 8 months as well and she still wobbles over when sitting don't worry ☺️
We are 7 July and have only just started to sit up without support. As long as they’re hitting other milestones it’s nothing to worry about. He’s sitting with support which means he heading in the right direction. I found the mamas and papas sit and play helped.
@Kyhane thank you! This is reassuring 💕
Have you spoken to a HV or GP? I think there's no need to worry yet as it can be between 6-9months