I don’t think you’re neglecting your son at all. It would be different if you were leaving him in there all day without feeding him or giving him attention, or if you were leaving him in there and then going off to the shops etc. if he’s safe, happy and you can easily access him at any time, I don’t think there’s a problem I’m sorry you’re going through that, it doesn’t sound fair at all. You’re a great mama and you’re doing well. It might be worth sitting down with your mum and having a calm conversation about it and let her know how you’re feeling x
The crazy thing is I do the most for my son, and my mother has constantly told me to let him cry it out, to leave him in the bouncer while doing other things the second I do that she says I’ve been neglecting him, on top of it she neglecting me and my siblings the entirety of our lives which is why I parent the way i do. I wish I could just talk to her but every time I try to have mature honest conversation with her she just doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings but her own, I am going to try for sure but every time I’ve ever done this is ended up with her telling me to go cry about whatever it is we’re discussing
@Sierra I have a baby monitor camera it’s just in our room because I almost never leave him out in the living room without me being right there with him, I’d bring his bouncer in my room but my room is just so small
Not neglect. Not over reacting. You appreciate her having you, you appreciate the little help she offers, however, you need time for yourself and sometimes leaving the baby - happily- in a bouncer for 20 minutes while you do something is allowed. If she wants to suggest things, you could ask her her advice on how to get around it? See what she has to say? If nothing, just get on with it.
Not neglect at all. You need a break too. Any chance you and your partner can move out? Sounds like it's just not working out. May as well pay rent for yourselves in your own space.
Definitely not overreacting. I lived with my mother in law for a while when I was young. Was pregnant at 16 and moved in with them. We had a lot of issues like this, and I've learned that only one family should live in a household. You've created your own family now, and need your own space. I would just save up as much as you can so you can move to your own place. Your local social services should have a list of housing in your area, and will sometimes help you get settled in a place.
Thank you all for your kind words, I honestly felt like I was losing my mind over this, because me and the baby’s father are long distance, so I’m the one always with our son, and I was promised by my mother that she’d help me, and I’ve rarely gotten help so having my son has been my whole life, and he always wants me so even when going to bathroom I can hear him screaming for me, I wait for him to sleep to eat, and even with him being 9 months old I’ve gotten three hours of sleep the last three nights in a row, most days I wonder if I’m a good enough mom so my own mother saying that to me today got to me majorly, there’s always drama in this house because there’s 8 people who live here and I want so desperately to move out and get back to his father like we all planned but don’t currently have the means but all your words have given me the hope that I’ll be able to figure it out
shes over reacting by the sounds of it, Its okay to clean and do whatever as long as you’re periodically checking on them or more preferably have a monitor on them. My daughter will be 3 and I have one camera in her room and one in the living room that Ive used since she was born if I needed to clean other rooms or go have a shower etc.
Not neglecting. I know it’s your mom but stop spending what little you have for her, you’ll take even longer to get out of that house
You're definitely not overreacting. Do you have a baby monitor? Maybe you could place it where the bouncer is so you can keep an eye on him or bring the bouncer in the room with you? I'm a SAHM and I have to clean and cook and am definitely guilty of putting my son in his swing while I do these things. Definitely get your own place ASAP. I think this prolonged behavior from your mom will drive you batty with enough time! I hope this helps, you're a good mom!