beginning of the start
I needed a car to start planning my escape,
he didn’t want to buy it and put it on my name telling me “are you planning to leave or what” 😂 bro yes.
today I won, he bought me a car on MY name and paid cash for it im so so surprised but you know why i did won?
because few weeks ago i accept that he was a narcissist, i accept that i was abused so i started realizing what was going on, that everything was not normal. I spoke to a narcissist coach to help me realize.
I started giving zero reactions to his saying, swearing or action, so weird we didn’t had a big fight since i realized, because, everything he do or say do 💡 in my head, telling me that’s a narcissist behavior, it was in front of my eyes but i was just blinded from the good moment, and i can’t lie in my head im still saying that i love him to much to leave, but i will, i just needed the car to leave, i had patience and i shut my mouth and it’s like Im the one that is controlling him now just by know who is he really.
Ladies, we young, we got kids to take care, it’s hard but we do not deserve to be treated shit and abused, we didn’t come to this world to take all the shit from a sickness mental stupid guy that need to heal from his traumas and change, HE WILL NEVER, I’m close to the exit and you will too !!!!
love you all
Go girrlll🔋