Personal Finances- divorce

I am pretty convinced sooner or later my marriage is over. I am trying to be as prepared as possible. I work and make decent money, we own a house which we bought 3.5 years ago. I paid the mortgage and all fixed bills for first 3 years, as my husband owns business and income is volatile. He also reports less income for tax purposes. Also I am primary (and sole) care taker of our toddler and house duties. Last year after getting fed up with his lack of support I put my foot down and stopped paying mortgage but continue to pay other expenses like hydro, electricity, starta, groceries and daycare etc. He is paying it now. As a result I ended up saving some money in my personal account. I want to know from your experience that will my husband be entitled to my personal savings in case of separation or divorce? We are in Canada, BC I am really overwhelmed right now but I need to cover my basis before anything happens.
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I'd say have a consultation with a lawyer to know your local laws as its usually free. My ex and I were entitled to half of everything including savings and retirement accounts.

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