She’ll be absolutely fine :) We’ve done quite a few nights/weekends away from baby, before 6 months and I’ve had a few nights away where the children have been with their dad. Go enjoy yourself! 🥳
I think its ok since he's bottle fed. Even with exclusively pumping I couldn't leave my breast fed baby until he was fully weaned.
Mines 4 and I’ve never been away for more than a night. Even then I didn’t leave until almost bed time and was back by 11 the following morning. We’ve added twins to the mix now so that’s never gonna happen 😂
I left mine when he was about 6months for a similar sort of trip as yours. He was also bottles fed. Dad is MORE than capable of having him on his own so I didn’t see any issue with it at all. I had a great time!!
I haven't yet but because I didn't have to. I would have left him alone with my mum or husband from about 6 months though
I’m not sure if he would have had separation anxiety but I know I would have. I also breastfed for the first year so that made it hard to be away. I built up slowly to being away for a weekend around 2 or 3. It sounds like your feeding situation is better suited than mine though and your anxiety level sounds a lot more reasonable too lol so if you have someone you’d be completely comfortable leaving baby with I don’t think it’s bad to get away for a little break
We left my baby with my parents when she was about 5 months old for the weekend! They are very capable grandparents (she's their 7th grandchild) so we had absolutely no concerns about it whatsoever. They also had my son when he was about 4 months old for 4 days ☺️
Oh and I left baby with her dad for a long weekend when she was 12 weeks old to go to my brothers wedding!
mine is 2.5 and the only time i left her overnight was to give birth to her sister!
I have had one night away from my baby at 3 months .
When my first was 10 months, I had to have an operation so my husband had her on his own for two nights (with Covid 😬🫣), but I could easily have left them together sooner if I’d had the opportunity to go away somewhere. Then she had regular sleepovers at my mums once a month. My second has been an awful sleeper though, so I do feel bad for whoever has him overnight. So I didn’t leave him and he didn’t have any sleepovers until he was over a year old. But that was purely because I’d feel bad for the person looking after him, not because he’d miss me 😂🫣
My LO hasn’t spent the night away from me yet (14m) as she’s not needed to. We breastfed, only came off boob before bed at year old. And I didn’t have any occasions where I couldn’t have her. A girl I’ve met however was maid of honour at her besties wedding abroad so baby (similar age to yours) stayed with her MIL for 2 nights. I think it depends on how badly you want to go? I’d maybe do just the one night not two??
6 months in and the most I’ve been away from him is when I was working I’ve went out 5-6 hours but that’s about it
The longest we've been away from our son (not including work) was about 3 hr when we were visiting family in Texas. They took us out for dinner and mini putt. The lolas took care of the babies. Our son was 1.5 years at the time.
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My kids are all tots and I Have never left them and wouldn’t my one year olds still nurse on demand. If or when this does occur all of my children will no longer be tots / nursing
My sister's hen do when our little boy was around 3 months old. He was also bottle fed and I left him with his Dad Fri-Sunday. I wouldn't have left him with anyone else though and if it had been anyone else's hen do, I just wouldn't have gone. He didn't stay away from both of us until he was 1 as we just worked plans around him until that point.
9 months
Me and Hubby went away to get married for a week and my mum had our little one at 11 months old. This time I’m going for a long weekend with my bestie (in the UK still) and leaving new baby with Hubby/Dad and he will be 7 almost 8 months old x
I’m only comfortable leaving both mine (4 months and 2 years) with my hubby now though, would never leave them with anyone else xx
My eldest is 19mths & the only night we’ve been apart is when I went in to have my second & that was a planned c section and my husband came home to her that night. I don’t plan on lettting her have sleepovers, some family members I may allow in a couple of years time but other than that no. But leaving my girls with their dad is different I’d leave them with him no matter how young, so I’d say you should go & have fun, there’s no one else that cares for your baby like you do other than their dad so go have fun & spend some time with your besties
I went on my honeymoon (for 5 days) when our son was 5 months old & he stayed at the grandparents’ house. Go! Enjoy yourself! 🫶🤩
My son was about a year when we went to a wedding/hen party and stayed with my parents