Will I be ok

I asked my grandma if she had anything sweet and she said yes and brought me some fudge but it was dark so when I ate the first piece I didn’t realize that it was covered in mold but I only swallowed one till I noticed they were fuzzy will the baby be ok I’m 9 weeks
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You’ll be okay I did the same thing in the first trimester. Most mold is harmless when ingested. The only food borne illness that can harm the baby is listeria or toxoplasmosis and mold doesn’t cause either of those.

Oh no 😥 you and baby will be fine but that’s yuck. Happened to me before with beef jerky 🤮 I ate a lot of it and thought the taste was off. The next day I saw the rest of the bag and it was covered in mold.

I swear only older people do this, my grandad once bought me a slice of blue toast and didn’t understand why I couldn’t eat it 😭 back in their day they’d eat things with mould on without question I think because of the war, but they (and you!) will be fine! We’re just a lot more sensitive/lucky today!

Omg I did the same thing in second trimester. Baby will be okay

Oh and it was a as present from my partners nan. I ate two, with the lights off, thought it tasted odd, turned the light on and realised. My partner was being greedy and ate almost half so it was kinda funny

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