Worried about size of bump
Hey, I’m 18+ weeks and my bump is as big as it was at 24 weeks with my first. I’m a bit worried about the size, as I’m just growing bigger each week and I have awful pelvic girdle pain (started at 10 weeks).
Is anyone else worried about the size difference second time around - is it normal? Have you been reassured that all is well? I’ve not had my bump measured at all yet.
I’m high risk for some reason and I’ve been referred for a diabetes test as my first babe was 9pounds5.
Sorry probably worrying about nothing but feel like I’m going to be massive and crippled with pelvic pain!!
I’m currently in agony with muscle aches, not sure if it’s PGP as it’s literally my whole body as if I’ve done an intense work out. My only thinking is if I tensed too hard subconsciously at my 20 week scan as I was nervous. This is my 2nd pregnancy and my bump feels huge, it’s way bigger than it was with my first at this point. I’ve also had a glucose test as my son was 9lbs which they said I passed but would have again at 26 weeks. I was also told at my scan that this baby is measuring big although this could change 😅