My cousin just named her daughter Olivia, but she's the only one I know
Only a few now adults I went to school with I can think of 3 I've met in my entire life
We were actually just talking about this at work a couple weeks ago 😂 I work at a daycare and we are all shocked it’s number one because we only know adults named Olivia
Sorry meant to click more than 1!
My god daughter and niece
I know 4 little girls called Olivia.
Yes a couple it’s the most popular girl name in the uk
I work in a nursery, we usually have at least one Olivia every year
Also meant to click more than 1 lol I didn’t read the options properly but I know a few Olivia’s aged 3-8
No but I know several Olivias my age or older.
In my daughter’s class there’s atleast 4. When I was in school we had 5 including myself!
I know of 10 girls between ages 1-10 named Olivia
I know children and adults named Olivia. Too many lol
I know about 5 or 6 Olivias.