Ballet classes with toddler

I take my almost 2 year old to ballet classes & have done for the past 5 months. She still doesn’t seem to enjoy it, she doesn’t really participate (despite doing tiptoes & twirls constantly at home). She throws tantrums tries to run out of the door, she’s not the youngest either as when she started she was I thought it would just take time to adjust but honestly I’m just embarrassed at this point she’s so badly behaved in class I feel so judged by the other parents. Do I pull her out & assume ballet isn’t for her & try a different class? I feel like I need to do something with her. She is a very strong willed little girl I don’t know if she’s going to be like this in all classes or if ballet just doesn’t suit. She loves to dance to music at home that’s why I chose it.
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I think she’s still just really young! Doesn’t mean it’s not for her at all, all that is normal behaviour for her age. I’ll be taking my daughter closer to 4/5 x

@Kate what gets me is the fact that none of the other little girls are like this 🙈

All kids are different, my son is wild and my daughter calm… but neither enjoy a lead class that much around this age so don’t take it to heart… and def don’t feel judged! X

Have you tried not being in the room with her? My friend runs a parent and toddler dance class and one where it’s just the toddlers on their own, and my little girl attends both and is so different in them! In the one I go to, she mainly just stands with me, but in the one with just other children she is much more engaged, I think she finds all the other grown ups quite intimidating.

@HMK in these classes they’re not on their own until they’re 3. Tbh I wish she stayed with me 😂 that’s what most of the others I like. Mine is off running round trying to open the door, throwing tantrums, doing anything & everything but the class or being with me 😅

She’s really young and perhaps it’s too soon? Maybe a less structured activity? Is there tumble tots or a forest school near by you could try?

Or football classes? My son loves them - there’s some structure but also plenty of running about!

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry at all if she doesn’t enjoy it. At this age, free play is far more valuable than structured classes, so she’s definitely not missing out on anything. A 2 year old is still far too young for something as structured as ballet, she’s just not developmentally ready for it. If she’s not having fun, there’s really no point in forcing it. I would just let her explore the world in her own way

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