@Scarlett I know I am absolutely gutted for her, she gets so excited to see her friends when I drop her off, she's just so comfortable there and loves her teachers it breaks my heart 😔 has the nursery you are currently at decided to change things up with this new government stuff coming into place?
My daughter started creche just before her first birthday she was really happy had lovely relationships with the staff and the other children but when she turned 2 I decided to move her to a new setting that was going to be cheaper for us. (We are in wales so childcare here works differently than England though) we visited the setting with her she then had a settling in session (half hour) on the Monday I dropped her and left her with no upset. I then took her back for another settling in session this time hour & half on the Tuesday again straight in without any upset so she started fully on the Wednesday. The first 2 weeks she was fine walked in unbothered. Third week I started having tears at drop off which lasted around a month but I think this was becauseI’m a child had hurt her on the second week and she was scared going in of that happening again. She’s since been fine she loves it and has met her new little bestie the staff are fantastic she’s come on so much x
Honestly kids adapt so well. From another perspective my daughter is now 4. Will start school this sept. I wish I had put her into a school nursery. We kept her private as the hours were just way better for us for work and holidays but I have friends whose children are doing way more actual learning than she is and will be further ahead starting reception than she will be
@Emily no I’m moving to a different town so doesn’t make sense to keep commuting! 😣
No advice but I’m doing the same. My girl has been at her current nursery for nearly a year and loves it. Has all her little friends etc 😭😭 Everyone keeps telling me they are really resilient at that age