Following cos I’d also like to know 🤍
Eggs can be an allergen so good to introduce that one separately and watch for a reaction :)
After you introduce all of the allergens separately you can start combing different foods and trying different things!
Everything aggs said! We do blw and skip purées all together. I like doing things in bulk that are easy for baby to try different things and textures. Pinterest is my go to for blw ideas. Our oldest loves these banana oatmeal peanut butter “cookies”, 2nd loved cooked broccoli and apple sauce muffins, 3rd loves everything lol but my go to with him was sweet potato pancakes and “cookies”, and #4 has been having carrot muffins and sweet potato fries. Totally up to you how much/how little you do. Give a few days in between brand new foods, but if baby has already had fruits and veggies in purées then those are def good to mix. We don’t have food allergens in the family so we usually only give it a day or two between new things. Remember food before 1 is just for fun and learning textures and tastes.
Egg was 1 of the first foods I gave my daughter. I’m doing blw with some purées
I recommend the app solid starts! (You can use the food tab for free). You can search different foods and it tells you best ways to feed them depending on baby’s age and whether they’re allergens to watch out for. It’s been really helpful when we wanted to offer more than purees. We tried sweet potato spears and slices of omelet yesterday.
(For reference our daughter is also almost 7 months)
It’s completely up to you and your baby. We introduced solids from six months, bypassing the puree-only phase. One of my daughter’s first foods was toasted bread as it’s easy to both hold and eat. Things like broccoli and avocado are great too as they require minimum prep and are soft so will likely be of similar texture to what your baby is used to. As long as the food is prepared in an age-appropriate manner, it is not more dangerous than puréed food. Chewing is the motion of the jaw, not teeth. I would recommend checking out some Baby Led Weaning resources. There are some awesome FB groups which have resources on how to prepare each food for all ages, but you can also find them online. Maybe start small and build up until you’re more comfortable. You being at ease will help your baby be at ease too.