I’m also a stay at home mother (his dads in the military so slightly different) but when he is home he’s as active parent as I am. He changes all nappies, does half the night wake ups and plays with him the majority of the time while I catch up on cooking & housework and have some me time. Being a stay at home mother doesn’t make everything your job, he gets to clock off when he gets back from work so why should you not get a break too? You’re also doing twice the work being in nursing school, you need to have a proper conversation about him stepping up and sharing the load or you’ll get burnt out
I also get the resentment he went out and you didn’t get a break, I went through the same feelings but just as I’m entitled to a break so is he. He deserves a night to be an adult BUT he should be giving you the exact same
My hubby does everything I do and more as long as he’s there to do them, we both don’t get to sit and relax until we’ve both put babies to bed and even then I come out and he’s stacking the dishwasher, loaded the washing machine, wiping counters, and my coffee there is ready and he boils the water as soon as he sees me, he’s involved and active and I have no complaints. That work event though id be a lil pissed coz that’s something you bring your partner to, no? I’ve attended his work Xmas party w him every single year. Unless it’s coworkers only but me and all partners are usually invited to any work events. If he’s had a boys night though then my girls night comes the next night or that weekend, our breaks are taken fair here. He sees friends weekly, attends a hobby, I see friends weekly, I have a hobby. It’s fair. I don’t resent him, I’m happy to have sex w him 3-4* a week because I’m thankful and appreciative. Your man needs to step up more pull his socks up and actually help you.
Being a stay at home mom is not easy on top of that being in school staying at home is not easy
I can relate to you. I’m a SAHM and I have 4 kids. The 3 youngest are 4, 2, & 1 so I feel your pain and frustration. Like you, I’m also in school working on my Masters degree. My fiancée was like this as well but the one thing I will say is he helps sometimes not all the time but sometimes. He’s getting better. Look if something doesn’t get done, like the dishes or laundry then oh well. You have to give yourself grace Luv which is something I had to learn as well. Have a conversation with him and express to him that you appreciate the awesome provider he is but that sometimes you need a break and moment to yourself like to just take a bubble bath or go get a pedicure. Not all men get it unless we tell them. Since my fiancée is off on the wknds that’s when I take time for myself.
Let take it this way: he is working 3-14 hrs a day, so do you! Its just different type of work, so don’t do overtime all the time because he learns that when he comes he can play xbox while you bath your toddler very day? Thats just not fair, you both had long day at work and if he plays while upu bath him then you get to sit down and he puts your child to bed! He is making money but you are rising a child so he cannot take it this way. If you would have to swap for a week he would loose his shit and beg to go to normal job. I have the same at home and it time to do something about that before they get too comfortable that we do everything. I love my man and all that but this just piss me off so much as well.
No you shouldn't feel guilty take a perspective shift your job is not a mom its a homemaker your job is the home your both responsible for the children you create i would tell him that and if he threatens to divorce you again let him your already doing everything alone and you can get alimony being a sahm
You are doing multiple jobs in one being the stay at home parent, on top of going to school. It’s absolutely not 100% on you, both should be active parents when home. My husband and I have both experienced being the working parent and stay at home parent so we understand that both are hard jobs. Still take care of yourself :) you are still a person outside of being a mama
I’m a stay at home mom and my husband works 10-hours a day 4 days a week. He still come home to throw away the garbage, He take my son to school everyday before he go to work, he do laundry when he’s home, he do the dishes, he give my son a bath some nights, (My son is 7 btw), he pick my son up from school (on his days off), he feed him when he get hungry, help him with his homework. He’s pretty much super dad because he know how tired I get at times. You shouldn’t be doing everything. Just because you’re a mom, you need a Break too. Your mental is very important.
My sister is a stay at home mom and her husband works everyday and sometimes on the weekends too, but still comes home and helps with the kids, showers, bedtime, cooking dinner things like that and doesn't complain at all. Your partner should do the same, honestly, not everything but help when you need a shower or just a small break