
Hi guys! I’m just looking for advice/ a rant. I have an almost 12 week old little girl, me and her dad have been together for over 6 years, but I feel like I’m solo parenting. When I was pregnant, he was so excited, said he would do nigh sifts on weekends, take her after work so I could have a rest, have days just her and him but none of that has happened. He’s not done one night shift, there are time in the night he’s rolled over and ignored her cry’s if I popped to the toilet or whatever(I’ve never been far) , he’ll only take her at night so I can make tea, she’ll either scream so much I have no choice but to settle her myself or he’ll just pass her to another family member in the house, if he ever had her for over an hour he’ll tell me how exhausting it was. Don’t get me wrong he’s a good dad and loves her so much but only wants to do the fun stuff! I asked him last night when the last time was he fed her and he couldn’t give me an answer. The amount I give to my daughter really doesn’t bother me, it’s just the fact I get very little help when I should be! But every time I try to say how I’m feeling, it just ends up in an argument or if I try and give baby advice he think I’m saying he doesn’t know how to parent (but I do feel as though he doesn’t know her as well as I do). I’m just worried they won’t have the bond I want them to have ☹️ also I’m a tired mum who could sometimes use a little help😂 I just don’t know what to do 🙄☹️
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Why would you say he's a good dad if he doesn't take his share of the responsibility? Surely he loves her, but having a child comes with all the burdens and he's not taking on any

He's not supposed to 'help', he should be doing his half

‘Don’t get me wrong he’s a good dad’. No he’s not. He’s not doing anything he should be as a dad. Give him an ultimatum, tell him to help you or get rid. Doing it alone is better than having to parent him and the baby. Or go out for the day, leave him with the baby and see how he likes it.

I don’t think it’s as black and white as being suggested^ that that equates to him not being a good dad. I would advise communication of your expectations and values. Try and approach it in a non accusatory way and let him know how difficult it is for you to bear most of the load and how it makes you feel unappreciated and unseen. I worried about my partners bond with our baby but with time they’ve become inseparable and now as a toddler they spend so much time together. It’s easy to make promises before we are in a parenting situation and the intention is definitely there but the reality is just different and nothing prepares us for that. You just really have to find ways to work together, your baby is still very young and you’ll both be adjusting to your new reality, it’ll take a little time to settle into a routine that works for you both. Wishing you all the best x

He could just be scared. My know the first like 4 months my fiancée was scared he was going to hurt our daughter. He does help out though with night feedings on the weekends and if he can see I’m struggling he will help. You need to communicate with your husband how you’re feeling

Thanks for being understanding💕 he works hard and looks after us and I know he’ll never let her go without, he loves her to pieces and I know once she’s older and more interactive he will thrive as a parent! He’s not a bad dad, I think he’s just a bit out of touch and I think a lot of people around him have given him the impression of ‘mums do more’. Also I’m probably part of the problem when it comes to bickering, which also isn’t all the time, I’m tired and probably a bit snappy😂 I just need to find a way to communicate my feelings without it ending in a negative way x

How can you say he's a good dad when he doesn't do anything? Loving his kid and providing money isnr enough to considered a good dad, those are the basics! He is massively falling short and this would piss me off no end!

I’m not going to lie, my husband is more of a toddler and kid dad more than a baby dad, no matter how hard he tries 😅 I often tell him that he gets to do the fun stuff and I have to deal with the crappy stuff. However, once our son reached toddlerhood, we swapped and he did all night wakeups and handles all his high energy 😅 We have baby #2 now, and though he’s more hands on with some stuff, I know he’ll get the “payback” later 😂

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