Going crazy

I need help. I’m loosing my mind. My boyfriend i know he means well he works a lot to make sure we have everything we need. I work full time as well. But he’s never home and so the parenting duties are left for me and it’s become too much for me. I’m starting to resent him and become jealous of him. He gets breaks whenever he goes to his second job bc it’s at the firehouse and they sit around most of the time and it’s all his friends. I don’t ever get time to myself. I was sick Saturday and he took the baby with him. When he came home he was mad i didn’t clean and said i was on baby duty now bc he had her all day and it’s time for him to have a break now. He tried to tell me he gave me a 12 hour break where i got to sleep. That wasn’t a break. And tonight she woke up wouldn’t go to sleep but he’s holding her trying to get her to sleep and she gets up crawls to me bc he has fallen asleep. It get to the point i get so mad i have to scream or throw something to let out my frustration. And i can’t talk to him about it bc he just says u need to get back on ur anxiety medicine. Like no that’s not the problem. Idk what to do sorry i just needed to vent. I don’t really have anyone to talk to who won’t judge me
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My husband works all the time as well (I work 30 hours a week on early maternity currently) and he tries to work Saturdays also then we have step son on Saturdays and Sundays as well & he takes him to his evening activities wed evening so we don’t see him at all that night as the day is over with by time he gets back. It’s hard & im 38 weeks pregnant as well with a 2 year old. I empathise with how you are feeling. Feel free to DM me anytime

Idk I personally would ask him what it's like to prioritize being a good worker over being a good parent and over being a good partner my husband knew from the day we found out that I was expecting that there is no "I work" excuse. Because you work and still prioritize being a parent. Make him realize that coming home to an empty house is way better than coming home to a lil messy house. You aren't the only one who makes the mess. You aren't the only one who made the baby. You need to make him keenly aware that making you feel like the problem will not help. He needs to own up in his other roles besides being a worker.

Do you have anyone to help you with a child care? Mom or mother in law? Because we all need some time for ourselves and getting some additional help can be a game changer.

@Nataly family loves 45 minutes away and both have physical problems that they can’t always help. Father beat cancer last year. Mother in law is out of the question bc of abusive boyfriend.

Get him to pay for dc for the older one and you can rest up for 2 days or so. On his off day prepare the kiss and tell him to go away for the day or you go and relax. You also work so his excuse is bs.

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