Sitting up

Is everyone’s baby born in June 2024 sitting up at this point ?
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Mine is 😊 a few people have made this comment this week - it seems there are a few who cannot. I wouldn't be worried st this point tbh, they learn and change so quickly.

my lg has been since 5 months but there’s a boy at baby group who is may 2024 and he can’t yet so i think we’re still at the in-between point where some can some can’t :)

Mines not quite there yet, will sit but doesn't sit upright and then about 10 seconds later topple over! I think he'll get there soon

My son was sitting up around 5/6 months bc he watched his sister a lot but my daughter (also a June baby -2023) she didn’t start sitting up by herself until around 10-11 months /: she was born fetal growth restricted so she’s a bit delayed/behind in things but she’s always caught up on her own with things I worried so bad about! I say your little one will catch up soon enough and try not to worry yourself too much , where I’m from I enrolled my daughter in a program called birth to 3 and they’re awesome! They come to your home and help you work on things that concern you with your kids and come up with a game plan to get them on track, your doctor has to make a referral to them though and sometimes it does take them a while to reach out but when they do it’s a little bit of a relief! Wishing you good vibes !

No, still falls forward or to the side

Sat up from 4.5 months x

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