My son does this and he’s a suspected autistic child
Omg my son is the same age and is doing all of the above. It's so stressful. I'm glad to hear that it's just a phase.
ugh, that sounds super tough, like you're in a wrestling match 24/7! have you tried giving him a little space to play on his own with some toys or activities? sometimes they just need a bit of independence, ya know? here's what the 'Heal Baby Care App' says.... "It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed, and it's completely understandable given your situation. At this age, children often express their emotions through physical actions, and it can be challenging to manage. Since you've tried various methods, consider setting up a structured routine with designated playtimes and quiet times, which can help your child understand when it's okay to be active and when to calm down.
This is completely normal unfortunately