Maybe this is mostly prego hormones but I’m devastated

I’m literally due with my fourth child in the next two weeks and yesterday my mom came over to help me clean and meal prep. The end of this pregnancy has been hard because I have herniated discs and the sciatic pain has just been atrocious. But I pushed through and was cooking, scrubbing baseboards, floors, etc. he got home and he couldn’t even say anything. It was like I had to fish for a compliment and to top it off today’s my birthday. So not once has he said happy birthday just told me that he’ll fold his own laundry today. I literally had friends blowing me up at midnight to tell me happy birthday and the person whose child I’m carrying couldn’t even bother to say it. He does work so I didn’t really plan on anything happening today but then yesterday he also tells me I’m gonna leave on Saturday morning and go to the Shamrock marathon. Not even a plan to get breakfast together. I feel like such an idiot having this affect me this much.
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Maybe he’s going through it mentally? I’m guessing he hasn’t always been like this otherwise you wouldn’t be having his baby. Try not to stress too much as you’re pregnant but maybe bring it up to him or someone you both trust to have a conversation and a well being check

@Chí this was a completely unplanned pregnancy. He is a really bad alcoholic and has some severe anger issues. I give him credit because I told him I wouldn’t allow him in the labor and delivery room if he continued and he is almost a month sober now, but the mood swings and anger outburst are really bad. I feel like I’ve been treated like crap majority of our relationship honestly so I don’t know why I expected anything different.

Yes immediately when I read your post I knew he was struggling with something and not just being a crap partner because he doesn’t like you. He needs help and idk how you can help him as you’re a busy pregnant mum who doesn’t need the extra baggage tbh

@Chí I just have to say I really appreciate you. I know he’s going through some stuff and I’ve tried to get him help and into counseling and AA. I’m just emotionally so spent I can’t even go to him if I’m feeling vulnerable or upset because I can’t put anything else on him, and I can’t expect him to be a supportive partner at this time.

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