Time away from baby

Now there is no right or wrong answer to this and I know everyone should just do what they feel is right for them and their situation. I just want to get a general idea of what others have done. My baby is 12 weeks old, exclusively breastfed (he can and has had a bottle feed) and I haven’t left him more than a hour, which I have struggled with I won’t lie. Friends have babies similar ages and have left theirs multiple times including overnight. Which means they have had me time, couple time, nights out etc I think my husband is starting to think when will that be us! What did you all do with your babies? I’m not bashing anyone who has left their babies already, I just want a general feel as to when people felt ready to do so. He’s my first and I feel so much more protective and worried than I ever thought I would do!x
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My babies 18 weeks only left her for a few hours to go to the gym so far

I didn’t leave mine until he was 9 months (and then just at home with his dad!) but if you are struggling then by all means go out for a few hours as long as babe is with a trusted caregiver they will be fine x

My little one is 9 weeks and I’m arranging for a babysitter to come over so I can get some gardening done. I’ll be around for emergencies but also get some me time. Maybe start with that and see how you get on? Then with time you can determine if you’re ready for a night out with hubby x

My baby is 12 weeks and I have only left her to run errands or for appointments. Most I have been gone was for 4 hours to get my hair done and I was getting real antsy to go back home to her. I don’t think I’m ready to leave her for longer than that. I struggled leaving her for the first couple of times, but now it’s nice to get a small little break.

My baby is 5 months next week. I've left him once to get petrol (about 10 minutes) and his dad has taken him out in the pram around the block to get him to sleep (about 30 mins) twice. That's it. I don't want to leave him with anyone.

I didn’t have a night away from my son until he was 15 months (EBF which I think made him incredibly clingy to me) I’ve just had my second and will 100% having a break much sooner. The night away did me and my husband the world of good and my son was spoilt rotten and had the best time with his grandparents so I don’t know why I worried. You’ve got to do what’s best for you too as well as baby. Happy mom equals happy baby and you can’t pour from an empty cup!

I can't remember what age my LO was when my OH first took her out for a few hours to give me a break. It would've been around 2-4mo at a guess. But that first time was HARD. But I got used to leaving her a couple hours with my mum and with OH so I could have some sleep. Then progressed to putting her in the creche at my gym for an hour so I could do a gym class. Had first evening away when she was maybe 6 or 7 months and first overnight around 9 months. We've done 2 or 3 overnights now. She loves her grandparents and is pretty chill so it's gone quite well so far at put me at ease about it. It's also helped prepare for nursery which she started 2 days a week a couple weeks ago. Plus did me and my relationship with OH a LOT of good. But you got to do what's right for you and your bubba ☺️

5 months tomorrow, left him for an hour to get a massage (also ebf). i don’t want to leave him to be honest, i won’t be comfortable leaving him for a good few months yet.

I don’t think I ever felt ready to leave her, I just did it because I knew it was a me problem. First time I left her was 4 months old for an hour or so. I then left her with my mum to go pick up our new car with my partner and it took us 3 hours out of our control, I was twitching!! But she was fine obviously. I still don’t really leave her unless I absolutely need to but I do think it’s important for your relationship, and also bonding time for grandparents who may look after little one in future x

I ve never left my baby overnight. I actually will for the first time next week for a work trip. But he will be with his dad. We both agree we don't want to let him overnight ever. We ve had few date nights and we have time together at home when baby is asleep. Every couple take their own decisions. Not because your friends are ok with leaving their small babies overnight, you don't have to do the same or feel pressured to do so. Whenever you feel ready mama.

the first time we both left her for a date was about 6 months old. never left her overnight and she’s 2

Left him over night at 3 months for a night out then again at 5 months then 7 months and will again Friday at 10 months. Every week since 2 months old I’ve left him for 2 hours a week to do the food shop or go on errands etc. Started childminder at 9 months x

My LB is 2 and has just this weekend gone out with grandparents for a few hours without us. He has never been away from me overnight x

My baby is 9 months and we have never left her over night. We only have gone out once without her and was for a few hours. Besides daycare.. I am just not comfortable leaving my baby with someone else overnight yet. I totally am not comfortable even asking family to babysit overnight anyways as I feel like it is a lot. I don’t want to be a burden.

I didn’t leave mine till maybe 6 months, starting for an hour or so then extended more and more gradually once a week till a short day. Now she’s 20 months and I still wouldn’t leave her overnight, she sleeps perfectly so I’d sleep better with her here than worrying about her somewhere else!! Just do whatever you feel comfortable with and don’t feel any pressure, I have family that nag about overnight stays but it won’t be happening for a long while just because that’s what suits us!

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My boy is 8 months and I haven't left him for longer than a few hours and that's only ever been with my mum. He's starting nursery in June when he turns a year and he will be doing a day or two there and then 2 days with my mum as I need to go back to work

First time I left my bf baby for even an hour was at 5 months cos I had a smear test. From when he was 7 months I had one day a week at college. First overnight was 10 months as we had a child-free wedding.

I left my baby girl with her dad for 3 nights when she was 12 weeks old. We then left her with my parents for 2 nights when she was 5 months old

6 months and he’s only been away from me to do quick errands. 2 hours is the longest, but he would be fine without me! It’s me that wants him all the time.

My daughter is 19 months and has never been left overnight, or for more than 5-6 hours (only one time when we went to a concert). I personally don’t leave her for more than 2-3 hours at a time (and only with my husband) but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️ I love spending time with my daughter and we are together 24/7 and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

On my 1st, the first time I left her longer than a hairdresser appointment was overnight with her dad for my hens! She was 7months. On my 2nd we went away for a night when he was 3 months (she was 22mths at this stage) and left them with MIL who she was extremely comfortable with as she had minded her in my house when I went back to work Both slept through the night from around 7wks old so that made it much easier to relax and feel comfortable leaving them. There's no right or wrong time to do it it will totally depend on you and really on the baby. Maybe start with getting a bit more me time and leaving him with your husband... Then progress to even a lunch together and leaving them with someone you trust before you try an overnight.

My son still hasn't been away for the night and he's 18 months

He looks after baby 2-3hrs a day since birth. I sleep in, he takes over the mornings. Until he went back to work at 6w. First date night was 8w and first girls night w a couple drinks was at 12w and then weekly or fortnightly I see a friend from there. When he started sleeping longer I was able to be out longer and come home at 11-12 (his time to wake for feed was around 1am) out for 3-4hrs maybe around 6m. But friends invite me out early pp maybe 2-3m and I invite whoever I feel like seeing or sometimes I drop her house just a girls night in. He didn’t stay out overnight until he was 2. We have monthly date nights from 8w

With my first child she didn’t start spending time at grandparents alone untill she was around 2 or almost two. Didn’t sleep over untill then too. My youngest is only 3 months and she will be the same. No daycare no sitters only our parents

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