I make sure not to buy anything containing red 40 neither for myself nor for anyone in my family. I always check ingredients. Recently I found this chocolate (Walmart) and it has only 4 ingredients. I haven’t given any chocolate for my son yet (he’s 3.5 years old) but I do buy this chocolate for myself. Also rice cakes/rice breads are pretty good snacks, my son loves them. They have different flavours too. They are low calories and high in fiber.
Have you tried the herb gotu kola. I know someone whose son is autistic and she said it helped a lot
We are completely dye free. It’s shown blue has the same effects as Red as well. It’s been a long hard journey but so worth it! My middle daughter has adhd and it’s been noticeable since we cut dyes out for her! 🫶
There’s a supplement called bacopa that’s supposed to be natures adderall. I don’t think I’d give it to your young child just yet but it may be something your husband might want to try
I would cut all dyes. It’s not just red40 that can cause behavioral issues.
I have 1 with ADHD and 1 with posable autism my oldest with adhd was bad when she was 10m to about 3 years old shes 6 now and does a lot better her adhd is still bad but her behavior is better my 2nd her aggressiveness has gotten worse over the past 3 years she gets overstimulated a lot she'll hit bite kick etc I haven't found anything to help her yet