Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Not excited for baby

Is anyone else just not excited for their baby? This will be my second baby and I don’t know why but right now I’m just not excited. Every time I’m reminded or think about it, I honestly get really depressed and upset. What does this mean?


Morning mummy’s!

31 weeks + 1 day!💙 So blessed and excited to meet him now.. do these last 9 weeks drag on? How is everyone doing, are we excited are we nervous? So incredibly in love with our little boy already, this 10 week countdown is starting to feel so lonely. He’s so close, yet so far. He’s done nothing but stress me out…


Was your second baby bigger?

I am only 26 weeks pregnant with my second but I am already the same belly size and weight as I was at 32 weeks with my first. It feels insane and I can’t imagine how much bigger my belly is going to get or how much more weight I’m going to gain. Was your second baby bigger than your first? Or is this all fat? 😫


What's something you thought you'd never live through?

(⚠️Potential trigger warning!) Share your stories!


Meal prepping

Spending my Sunday meal prepping for when my princess arrives! 36+1 and having my section this week due to PPROM at 23 weeks and complete placenta previa! So excited but so nervous! My September 21st baby is now about to be an August baby! 🩷


My baby is here

Well I was due 08/20 and he came 08/24 . I had contractions for 2 hours back to back . Then I got to hospital I was 6 cms and within a few moments I was already a 10 . Few pushes he came out . I’m so happy and blessed . I did have to get my water broken but other than that it wasn’t the hardest thing ever . If you’...


Anyone gone back to work pregnant 🙈

I’m scared to tell work and even some friends and family 😅


How did/would you cope with the 2 week wait when trying to conceive?

I am currently in the waiting stage and I am so eager. I've been binge watching YouTube videos about early pregnancy symptoms and people's experiences. I want time to go by faster so I can test. How did you cope?



Sooo… how’s the terrible 2s/3s holding up! 😅 where has our newborns gone haha


Still waiting

I have not had the baby yet I been here since 8pm on the 23rd they didn’t put me in a room till 1 some


Finally in my third trimester !!

28 weeks today ! Baby due 17th November Have a growth scan booked in for Tuesday , so looking forward to seeing baby boy again ! Not long left now , but feels like ages away 🤣


2nd baby

Hi moms I am trying to decide when to have a 2nd baby I would love to try soon as I have one tube and it could take some time the problem is our wedding is September 2025 and I would love a fall baby but I also want my kids to be close in age. Why is it so hard to decide lol.


When did y’all go into labor with your 2+ babies?!

I’m 36 weeks with my second and have an induction scheduled for September 16th at 39w+2 but really hoping since this is my second I’ll go earlier and naturally this time. When did everyone go into labor their second time?! My due date group for September seems like people are going early left and right. It’s insan...



Has antibody fallen pregnant yet? Just found out I’m expecting, how am I going to cope with 2 under 2🙈🙈


2 under 2

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant and I’m so scared of how I’m going to cope with a 21 month old and a new born😖 do you have 2 under 2? How do you cope?


Anyone else overdue and feeling feeling mentally sh*t and fed up?

Anxious to do too much or go too far and just feel like it’s not going to happen? Getting me down the waiting game now 🥴


Anyone else with a super clingy baby haha

I am 31 weeks +3 days, and my 19 month old son wants to be held by me all the time. This became more apparent, like 3 weeks now. He doesn't want Daddy or anyone else but me, and yes, he wants to be held in my arms. I am definitely enjoying our little cuddles and moments even though I am getting extremely tired as th...


Just found out two days ago that i am pregnant 😀

Due early May 2025. Soo excited but nervous as this is my first ever pregnancy


34 weeks today!

I am so grateful to have gotten this far but I think I probably need to start thinking of the birth now 😂


It's not sunk in

Anyone else feel like thier pregnant has not sunk in yet. Like somtimes I feel like "oh shit. I'm having a baby next week " 🤣 I'm physically ready, I have everything we will need but mentally it's like I've not registered it.... weird.


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