Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
I’m 18 + 1 and i definitely haven’t experienced the pregnancy glow that everyone talks about😂
I have been waiting for spontaneous labour and am not considering an induction. I was doing really well until today because for some reason I had it in my mind that today would be the day. Trying not to waver and keep positive :) is anyone else in my same shoes? What are y’all doing to enjoy these last days of pregn...
Is anyone finding that the second time round being pregnant is 10000% worse I had no problems with my little girl and this time round it’s just constant and I’m in absolute agony😭😭 I’m only 27 weeks I’ve got 9 weeks left as baby will be born at 36 and honestly don’t know how I’ll cope!
Will we still be posting on here once we’ve all had our babies? 🙈
thankyou to the person who suggested having a Colin the caterpillar as a treat to yourself during your due date! my due date came and went yesterday with no sign of baby. i had my first sweep after being so adamant i wasnt going to have them right up until the appointment then i changed my mind (which we can all do,...
It’s my due date today & I’m very emotional this morning. There’s no signs of baby coming other than on-off cramping. I know he will come when he is ready, but the last stretch is so hard, physically & mentally. I’ve been really good at compartmentalising over the last few weeks, but struggling today. 🥺
I’m only 4 weeks & wanted to wait but husbands parents are wanting to book a family holiday for the week baby will be due. Looking for ideas on how to share the news with them! I’d love to film my friends/family reactions if it’s possible to look back on but unsure how to go about it!
41 weeks. Waters broke at 3:30am and she was born at 8:00am! Never had I imagined labour would have been so fast. I literally had the urge to push in the parking lot and gave birth in triage by miracle after 4 pushes. Wild ride. Both healthy ❤️
Hey everyone I just wanted to say I go in for my second c section in the morning I hope everything goes well I’m so nervous yall
I want this baby OUT like now. I'm so over being pregnant. It's been issue after issue and today I just knew they were going to say something else was wrong and they'd induce me.. NOPE!! Not this time, everything was perfect today 😒😒 this little boy is playing with me.
Any other mamas feel the prettiest when they are pregnant ?🫶🏼 Let me see your pregnancy glow!!
Got my positive test yesterday and according to date of my last period I’m due 30th May. This will be my second baby 🤍
9/6/24 at 7:39 am I had an emergency C section and the arrival of my handsome Son 7lbs 11oz . The light of my life and he makes everything great about being a mom he was mean mugging his dad 😂
Is anybody struggling mentally? I’m 8 weeks and I never had any issues with my first pregnancy, but this time it feels so hard😢 I’m so impatient and snappy even with my toddler (2.5 yo) I’m wondering if it was the right decision to have another one? 😔😔😔😔
I had my 37 week appointment yesterday and got told that I now count as full term and that 38.5 weeks is generally when women give birth! I feel like I have a new lease on life! That’s only ten days left! (Which would make my baby an October 1st baby !) My husband commented that I seem much happier and youthful tod...
My baby has just turned 11 month today & thhs time last year, I was about to use my hols from work ahead of maternity leave. I was probs about the size of a whale🐳 & hadn't seen my feet in weeks🤣🤣🤣 Now I've almost got a 1 year old, where did the time go???😱😱😱
Just had a positive test which means in 3 under 3. Scared, nervous, excited and grateful 🙏
My 6 week old is on mam teat size 0 - when should I change it? On their website it says size 2 is for 2 months onwards, should I jump straight to size 2 or try her on size 1 for a bit then size 2?
I currently have a 4 month old and don’t plan on pregnancy yet but when do you reckon is the perfect age gap
I had my first cervix check today and I’m 2 cm and 60-70% effaced so I hope that keeps progressing! I’ll be 37 wks tomorrow, just need to get through my toddlers bday this weekend 😮💨