Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Exciting times to come…

What are some things you ladies are MOST looking forward to once your babies have arrived?! I’m due to finish work in a few days and getting myself all excited for what’s to come! 🥰 the thought of trips to the garden centre to buy his first Christmas decoration makes me sob, I am SOOO EXCITED for him to be here 🥰


What’s everyone doing ?

About rsv season coming up ? I’m so worried about my baby getting rsv due next month


Hello mommy friends

How are ya'll doing? How is your pregnancy going?



had my baby girl thrusday morning at 1:32 am and now we're 40 minutes away from home staying in the NICU 😩 this has got to be the hardest thing ever. my mama heart can't take it. I'd push her out a million times if it meant we didn't have to be here.



I know it's early, but has anyone been thinking about announcement ideas? Have you told anyone yet? We haven't told anyone yet, and I don't plan on it for a little while, but it's exciting to think about announcing to friends and family!


I'm so excited !!!!!

I'm desperate to tell someone other than my fiance !


Waiting game

Anyone else have a late first appointment I don’t have mine until the 18th I’ll be 9 weeks then😣 what are you ladies doing to wait it out and not stress


Best friend pregnant

I found out yesterday that my best friend is pregnant and of course I’m happy for her and super excited but I can’t help but feel jealous since my husband and I have been trying for months 🥺


Due date today

Well it’s my due date today and just feeling pretty let down 😓 absolutely no signs of labour and I’m just tired of being pregnant!! it’s also my partners birthday today and we were so excited about them maybe sharing a birthday :( still got the rest of the day though so hope he decides to make an appearance soon!!


Still pregnant

Anyone else still pregnant?😂 Baby is now a week late and I’m getting soo impatient but really don’t want to be induced!


35w 6d

Had an OB appt and I’m 2cm dilated and 80% effaced!! They said I have 2-3 weeks left, he’s head down and ready to go, and my body is prepping fast! We got the cutest ultrasound pics too. Cant wait to meet you Briggs!


2nd pregnancy

Anyone have no troubles conceiving 1st and all the troubles attempting #2?


After Anatomy Scan Thoughts…

Am I the only one that felt like a switch flipped in my brain where all I want to do now is nest and clean but the baby shower hasn’t even happened yet?🤦🏼‍♀️😂. As soon as I saw baby boy in the 3D image it was like I thought he could come any day now instead of realistically only be half way😂.



Going on holiday Sunday and il be 26 weeks pregnant going, 27 weeks coming back. Have anyone been on holiday recently around that stage and how did the flight feel? Thanks x


Baby Early

Hey! My little girl was 1 week early last year in May, is it likely my second one will be too? What’s everyone’s experience been? 🙈


Sharing Pregnancy News

How are you doing it? Any special ways or just outright saying, “we’re having a baby!”. This will be my third child, first pregnancy was twins and was hard so not sure if anyone is expecting us to have any more haha



We lost our first baby in June at 20 weeks and losing him was THE hardest thing. I am still in shock that I got pregnant our first time after delivering and I went in today for my 6 week check up and there’s a heartbeat! I have been so terrified it was a fluke. It’s such a weird place to be in because I should still...


Am I crazy?

It’s my husband’s birthday a week before our due date. I have booked for us to go for a meal and to a spa. Is this tempting fate? I’m just so convinced that I won’t be giving birth before 39 weeks but I guess you never know! For the spa, I’d have to give 7 days notice to cancel so looks like I won’t be getting a r...


Hi everyone!

Just keeping it incognito at the minute as we haven’t told any of our friends and family yet but really wanted to reach out to others to share the nerves and excitement. I’m 44 years old…yes I’m ancient 🤣…have a 20 and 16 year old girls. I met my hubby 6 years ago and got married last year. In 2021 we fell…


Is this normal?

I will be 34 weeks on Monday and have not seen my midwife for over 4 weeks now? Am I supposed to of seen her from 30 weeks? Every 2 weeks ... Confused?.


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