Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
Who's actually packed their hospital bag yet ? I will be today, but I already packed my little ones before me, so I definitely got my priorities in check. I just want my energy back tbh anyone feel this ? Hope your pregnancy is okay and you all taking good care of yourselves !!
Not sure if this is normal… this is my 2nd baby and I don’t remember getting out of breath until I had a very big belly with my first. I bearly have a tummy but so out of breath
Who else is in the same situation? I’m so nervous and excited!
I’m 34 weeks & 4 days today & was in the hospital 2 days ago with preterm contractions! We stopped them but both of my first kids came at 36 weeks! We just opened the car seat & bassinet today, both of our bags are packed and ready to go 🤣 Anyone else wait until last minute???
Now to start my MIL is not a bad one! She’s a wonderful woman, just a bit quiet so I wanted some advice on how to announce? With our first, family were very shocked and at very we got alot of judgement, I’m quite concerned this might happen again. Does anyone have any ideas on how to announce without it being too ma...
Hello! So my midwife has put so much emphasis on staying home for as long as possible when I go into labour and I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant. Really keen to know how you all spent your day(s) once contractions started before heading to hospital 🙏🏼
Hi ladies I’m 31 weeks today, just wondering how others are feeling? The tiredness has hit me and I’m super emotional (I have a 3 year old and I’m a stay at home mum). What’s everyone got prepared so far for baby?, birth plan? Have you got your hospital bags packed? I’d like to relate to any other mamas due similar...
Anyone else hope they are just one of those women who don’t feel their contractions and are dilating at home and baby will just come quickly😅 I’m booked in for a sweep on my due date (17th Feb) but my midwife said I should have the baby before then so fingers crossed she’ll come by next weekend!
Who have you all shared your news with so far? I’m 7 weeks and aside from my partner I haven’t told a soul and it’s miserable. 😅
Can't really tell may people right now thats why I'm posting incognito ♥️♥️I need to share my excitement but feel like I can't because I'm worried about misscarrige ....when did you start mentioning your pregnancys,😊 We had a loss last year in late June around 7 weeks x
Guys I’m so over being pregnant, 38 weeks tomorrow , I don’t think my baby wants to come out, lol
When did you feel 'done' or that the family was complete? Whilst pregnant, if so what gestation? Or after birth?
Man, oh man, this pregnancy I am so tired so early on 🙃 How is everyone today?
Wednesday was two days ago. I messaged someone and they responded several hours later and I thought about that message for what felt like two weeks.
Anyone else dying in anticipation to meet their little one??
Anybody else fallen pregnant? I'm currently 4 months pregnant and I'm wondering how I'm going to cope with 2 under 2 🙈
Is anyone else fed up of feeling like baby isn’t ever going to come naturally! Every day passes and no signs at all. So scared of going over!
Baby number two due October 22nd 🩷🩵
I found out I was pregnant on 18 January and was told that I was six weeks by a doctor on my first visit almost a week ago. Turns out I’m actually only five weeks four days today. After being absolutely terrified that we couldn’t find the yolk sack or fetal pole, not knowing I was just too early. My due date went f...
Hi! I am 39w6d tomorrow and no signs of labor. I’ve been on maternity leave my second week now and I definitely feel completely useless 😂 Have no energy for absolutely anything, eating A LOT (unhealthy things are the best lol) and getting a little depressed because the weather is so rainy. I don’t think I would be…