Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Hey mamas!

I found out I was pregnant on 18 January and was told that I was six weeks by a doctor on my first visit almost a week ago. Turns out I’m actually only five weeks four days today. After being absolutely terrified that we couldn’t find the yolk sack or fetal pole, not knowing I was just too early. My due date went f...


Anyone passed their due date?

Hi! I am 39w6d tomorrow and no signs of labor. I’ve been on maternity leave my second week now and I definitely feel completely useless 😂 Have no energy for absolutely anything, eating A LOT (unhealthy things are the best lol) and getting a little depressed because the weather is so rainy. I don’t think I would be…



Anyone this close to their due date and just wanting their baby to come already!? I'm so excited, just want to go into labour now 😂


Anyone else having a super fun pregnancy day today?

Cried so hard I made my nose bleed, then swallowed the blood and it made me gag, now I’m nauseous. 6w4d fetus - 1 me - 0


2nd pregnancy

Any mommas out there that had GD for their first pregnancy, not get it for their second? I’m holding out hope. Also, they said I’m gonna be tested “earlier” this time. When is “earlier”?


2nd pregnancy bump

I’ve always heard you show way earlier your 2nd pregnancy. My husband said yesterday my stomach looks more fuller…I’m only 7wks. Should I be offended? 💀💀no but seriously when did yall start to show for your 2nd pregnancy?



Hi my loves. I’m Holly. I got my positive digital on Saturday 1st of feb. This is my second pregnancy. Already on my folic acid 5mg, collected from pharmacy after gp appointment on Tuesday. Super excited for this pregnancy. I’m 20 with a 1 year old. Also had a previous loss at 31+4 when I was 16.


Baby #2

Very new to posting on here. Anyone here having a second child and nervous?My oldest son just turned 9. It’s been so long since I had a baby!


4 weeks today!

Just found out we are 4 weeks! Super early but very excited, it’s hard to contain. Any other Oct. 16 babies? My Dr. was able to share over the phone the likely due date


I may have a birthday surprise! 🫢

So we are expecting baby number two we're extremely excited about our growing family, 💓 I am 7 weeks I had my first appointment yesterday and I'm so excited about my appointment coming up next week for the ultrasound! 🥹 I can't believe this baby is going to be a Libra like me the due date is so close to my birth day!


Positive comments only ❤️

Hi all, just wanted to say Hi to September mummy’s! Pregnancy is tough but just wanted to put a positive post out about how excited I am to be here and how grateful I am to be at 6.5 weeks, due 28 September 🥰 Hope you’re all doing ok on this whirlwind of a ride, and sending my love to you all out there! Praying for…


How are you feeling?

I’m due at the end of the month and seeing everybody having their babies already is wild! Everybody keeps asking if I’m sick of being pregnant or just ready to get it over with but I have a really small baby (21st percentile) and even though I’m tired and having some joint soreness and Braxton Hicks, I’m still mostl...


BCG today

Hi guys. My LG is 3 weeks old, going for a BCG today. Feeling a little nervous about how she will feel afterwards. Have you got any suggestions of what we should do/ have to make it as easy as possible for her. We've just picked up baby Calpol incase she has a fever. Thank you 😊


3+ finally!

After having 2 miscarriages at 5 weeks and 8 weeks last year, I finally got a 3+ on the clear blue digital! Making my anxiety settle slightly 🥹🥹 I’m about 5w3d! Have a scan at the EPU booked at 6w3d next Thursday 🙌🏼


How many of you are already pregnant again ?

Im asking because I might be joining the club 🥲


Don’t need to invert to see that!! 🥹🥹

10dpo. Some great line progression from yesterday. 3rd pregnancy after 2 losses last year and everything crossed this one’s a sticker 🤞🏼 Mixed emotions doesn’t begin to cover it. I’m too scared to be happy, but I really want to be happy and shout from the rooftops 😭



Found out we were pregnant with baby #2 yesterday after 8 months of trying and feeling like so much weight has been lifted 🥹😭😭 Sending baby dust to anyone who needs it 🫶


What was harder?

Just curious lol I know every pregnancy is different But if 2nd or 3rd, can you comment the age gap between your last 2


Any one else 9 weeks pregnant

Looking for my pregnancy twin😄



How early did everyone start to show with their second pregnancy???


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