Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
So I’m due 12/13 but as yall know I could go into labor at any point now. I’m having anxiety about delivering during this RSV season. My 6 year old is just getting over walking pneumonia and now I’m having some pain in my chest. I just don’t want to bring my newborn home to sickness but it’s like it can’t be avoided.
I’m 23 weeks pregnant and I have an anterior placenta. I started feeling regular flutters/movements low down around a week or so ago, every evening I will feel her move. Yesterday evening I didn’t feel anything and I still haven’t. Should I be concerned or am I too early in the pregnancy to worry?
Hi twin mamas, I know that aspirin is a standard recommendation starting from 12 weeks to prevent pre-eclampsia. For me, I originally have low blood pressure and generally healthy. However, my heart rate this entire pregnancy seems to be high (usually in the 104’s) and otherwise low BP. I am 15 weeks pregnant, but s...
Has anyone else experienced being breech and successfully flipping your baby? I have been doing some inversion exercises and I plan to meet with someone who has helped breached mommas successfully flip their baby and I also have an upcoming chiropractic appointment with someone certified in the Webster technique. I ...
My beautiful baby’s heart has a few small holes in between the bottom left and right chamber. They detected in straight from birth and he’s now 14 weeks old and recently had it checked again at the hospital… they are not concerned by it and are saying there’s a good chance they will close on their own and that they ...
Does anyone have any experience with this or going through it at the moment? Went in for bloods today after calling triage re excessive itching and have just received blood results back with raised Liver Function readings. I called them straight away and they have explained they are still waiting for bile readings ...
Has anyone else got really bad postnatal anxiety and then it’s gotten worse watching the news about possible ww3 . I live in London and honestly I don’t know what I can do to relax my anxiety . It’s getting worse everyday . I really want to enjoy my moments with my baby girl but I’m also so scared that ww3 will star...
Today I've had the worst braxton hicks ever I'm really struggling also walking I don't no how much more I can take of all this my back my hips.. My legs and ankles are so swollen it's getting me down. This is my 5th pregnancy but I never suffered like this with any of the others. I've been referred to physio but by ...
If yes, from how many weeks did they start taking it properly?
Hello, I'm currently pregnant with my second baby. I've been to see the midwife today and been advised I'll be seeing a doctor during this pregnancy as I'm high risk due to having an emergency C-section the first time. Does anyone have any experience with this?how often did you see a doctor and what was discussed...
If you got bloodwork to find out the gender was it correct? How far along were you?
Heres the test mentioned in my last post. Came up right away
11 weeks and still cannot eat properly, fancy absolutely nothing and just survive off bread and pastries at the moment , been like this since 7 weeks, I am starving constantly but just fancy nothing and gag at the smell of most food. Feel guilty as baby is made purely of carbs 😅 and so bloody bored or it ,…
I just got my results from doing my glucose test yesterday and I’m curious if anyone can tell me if this is bad ? I know it’s not in the normal range
Since sunday i have had a very itchy belly! Im not sure if its down to weather or growing more but if anyone has any advice or tips that would be great! I moistures twice a day and use a pregnancy oil too
I feel like everybody who was telling me that having kids with close age gap is so awesome and nice were either lying to me or forgot how horrible the first year and pregnancy was. Unpopular opinion but having 2 under 2 is the biggest mistake I made and it's hard af. Yes, you get cute sibling cuddles here and there ...
When did you feel as though your belly was getting harder? I’m 18 weeks and last few days my belly has been getting harder is this normal?!
I can never work out the nub theory but just feel as though I’ll always have boy babies! 13+4 💕
If I fly on 13 Dec can I get my fit to fly letter on 6 Dec? As in, will it still be ok or does it need to be used within a couple of days?
Heya all! I'm 30weeks on Sunday and my hormones are crazy.. Anything I find slightly sad or moving I will cry over, anything that irritates me I get super angry over, anything that makes me happy I get extremely giddy over 😂 Any tips on regulating my emotions/hormones? And is this normal at this stage of…