Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
I have been absolutely knackered the last few days, have you experienced this? I thought we were due to have more energy in the 2nd trimester? 🙏
I have the biggest mum guilt ever about this. I was so excited to meet my first, this is a planned second baby so I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I’m so tearful all the time. Things with my husband haven’t been great but nothing really bad has happened so I think a lot of it is just me being hormonal and sens...
My little girl is a year and one month old. I've been having baby fever ever since she turned 1. Does anyone have any advice if you have 2 under 2 or can you let me know if you are feeling the same?? Not sure if this is just a phase when you realize your baby is growing so fast 😭
I gained about 65lbs being pregnant and dropped 30 pp then gained it all back breastfeeding. I’ve also had HORRIBLE back acne this entire past almost 3 years of preg/pp/bfing. I just stopped breastfeeding after 21 months last week and I’m PRAYING it will go away when my horomones adjust. Anyone else 😭 before and…
Has anyone been super emotional this pregnancy, idk but im so sensitive to everything and ive been dealing with panic attacks especially going to stores. This pregnancy has been super hard.
I have had the worst luck over the last 2 years. I seriously need to break the cycle but how?? To show I’m not overreacting this is my last 2 years… December 2022, found out my dog has cancer. This led me to have to work from home until he sadly passed away the following September. November 2023, had our wonderfu...
i’m nearly 7 months postpartum and a young mum, i’ve always struggled massively with anxiety but since having my boy my anxiety is literally crippling. i’m not even anxious about leaving the house or anxious about going back to work, but i’m anxious about the possibility of FEELING anxious. does that make sense?? ...
Enjoying everyone else’s too much not to ask? I don’t think I understand nub theory well at all but I don’t think you can tell here ?
Has anyone else been diagnosed with the things above? This pregnancy is a lot more mentally draining than my last one 🫠
IM LITERALLY GOING CRAZY. Has anyone else gotten their genetic testing back? Because I'm 12w 2d and I did my blood draw on the 3rd and have heard NOTHING. I'm waiting for the gender before telling my parents we're expecting, but with my first it was a 6 day wait.
Has anyone ever gone through this? I’m currently 7 months PP and 5 months pregnant (19 weeks). I got my Mirena IUD when I was 6 weeks PP with my son, but it migrated up into my uterine wall (in my past c section scar). We are unable to remove it due to the positioning, and they’re going to remove it during the c-se...
Sounds really strange but, when I was pregnant with my first baby I had a close friend who was also pregnant and we were due very close together. And she hated me for the fact that I was pregnant at the same time as her and it made the majority of my pregnancy and first year PP very miserable as I was trying despera...
I’m 37 weeks tomorrow, have been classed as preeclamptic due to protein levels increasing, however my blood pressure has only been high once, therefore haven’t been put on medication. I was in DAU earlier this week due to a pain under my ribs, but was sent home as baby’s heart rate was healthy and now have had an aw...
Hi all, just writing this as I’m curious if this has happened to anyone else and had their baby early! I started feeling unwell yesterday at 35+4-feeling sick, lightheaded and generally unwell along with slight reduced movements, did my bp at home and it was 155/99 so came to the hospital and baby started going cr...
Have you ever been officially given an IQ test? How did you score? Do you believe the test results to be an accurate indicator of intelligence? Did you know there are other “quotients” (aka other types of intelligence) ?
So I was initially due march 13th, due to health complications this has moved forward and is now February 21st. I’m so so scared, overwhelmed, anxious. I’m not sleeping, I’m having panic attacks. I just don’t feel ready. Even though I have had a really difficult pregnancy. I’m so terrified. Any advice to help red...
I saw a few posts about itching, and I've been going through the same. I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. I went to L&D, and they drew my blood to check my liver, and everything looked fine, but wtf? I never experienced this with my first pregnancy, ugh
Hey there mamas, I’m new here and this is my first pregnancy. I’ve wanted to be pregnant and have chilsten practically all of my life. However I totally underestimated how much this can do to my body and also how awful I’d feel. First no symptoms and now at my 6th week mark, all the symptoms flooding me at once. I a...
I am 38 weeks pregnant and all day I’ve had a constant tightening on my belly, specifically where the baby is laid. Her bum is just under my ribs and it feels sooo tight and hurts to bend and stuff. Is this normal? First time this has happened
Just above my pubic bone where my pubic hair is, I have an increased amount of pressure. Anyone else at 31 weeks?! How do we continue for 8/9more weeks with this , asking for a mate 😆