Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
Hey everyone! My 40th birthday is coming up in two weeks, and I’m looking for ideas on how to celebrate. I’ve got a few options in mind, but I’m still not sure which would be the best: 1. Combine my birthday with my daughter’s 4th birthday next month and throw a party with some friends at a sports bar. 2. Head to...
If you got married at norwich registry office or somewhere else in norwich that meant that your ceremony and wedding breakfast had to be at different venues, where did you hold your wedding breakfast? please and thank you
Anyone else expecting their 2nd child in August 2025
For her first birthday we did “—— is one little duck” because she loved (still does tbh 😂) ducks and I thought her quacking was the cutest thing ever 😂 I was thinking “oh two-dles” since we’re doing Disney on ice for her birthday (not it’s not til about a week later tho 😅) But I’m between that and “baby shark…
If your child got invited to a birthday party, what day or time would you prefer to go to one?
31 weeks today 9 weeks to go Mummy just want you here now little man!!💙🤰
Toddler has been invited to a birthday party for a kid in their nursery class. What do you gift?
It's my sons first birthday coming up and we're having a party for him, I'm unsure whether to do party bags or not? If yes what would you put in them? Thank you
Just curious as my toddler wanted to try some at Christmas but I wasn’t sure as it has alcohol in?
My LO turns one at the end of the month and we’re on a tighter budget that expected (partner is being made redundant). Had planned to have a party but that’s out of the question now. I really want to celebrate my LO’s birthday but have no clue of what to do! Any ideas please?
My little one is going to be 1 on the 4th of October, and I’m trying to plan in advance what to do to celebrate her first birthday! I need time to save money and mentally prepare to invite people I don’t like. But I am stuck as to what is age appropriate or even a theme idea 🤣 So any recommendations on themes, or…
Our 2nd of Jan due date was cut a little short due to induction and our little man arrived on the 31st December! 6 hours of labour with no pain relief for pushing, and a second degree tear later…🐻💙
I can’t believe she’s turning one on the 17th🥺 time flashes Mama’s enjoy every moment of it while you can
Little one arrived 2nd Jan via c section (37+2), weighing a healthy 8lb 13zoz. Utterly enamoured by him we love him so much. Only spent 1night in the hospital which was good cause that place is sweltering Lool.
My birthday is coming up and I’ll be making a 30 before 30 goal/bucket list. What’s something’s you’d add
Anyone thinking of birthday themes yet? I'm stuck between First Bee-Day (have a Phoebe and her nursery is bumble bee theme) or Fairy First Birthday (woodland fairy theme) to do something different and not overdue the bees. Help me decide!
Sorry if this sounds sooooo stupid but even Google is confusing me. When is my baby 4 months old 😂 she was born on September 15th which makes her 16 weeks old on Sunday, but is that 4 months old or would it be 17 weeks? A article I just read has totally thrown me off 😂😂
hey guys!!! i just redownloaded peanut and i see that this is same group from my first pregnancy !! and i wanted to see how yall babies were doing ?? well i guess they’re toddlers 🥲 my son is huge almost 3 ft tall and wears 8c in shoes !!
My daughter’s birthday is on the 28th which is Tuesday and we looking for nice things to do? I wanted to take her to some swimming pool parks and not much is around.. any recommendations what would be a nice day? :) we live in Cambridge dont mind to travel 1 to 2hours
I’d like to give a round of applause to all the Mamas who have multiple kiddos. Being pregnant and having ONE psycho toddler is not for the weak 😅 I can’t imagine having multiple. As I patiently wait for my stubborn and very comfortable daughter to make her arrival, I will soak up alllll the one-on-one time I get…