Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
Hello mums! What were your first signs of teething? Is it too early to buy a teether for my 4 month old? Thank you!
Here for some advice! My LO (16mo) has a serious teeth brushing issue she hates it, won’t entertain doing it herself so we do it for her but she really gets upset. We brush for less than a minute every time as she literally just rolls off or runs away and gets so hysterical. But while we do brush we try our best to...
Anyone’s child still not potty trained? My daughter will be 2 & half in December and still not potty trained, every time I get the potty out it’s like she’s scared of it🥴🥴 Any tips/advice?
My little boy is 21 months, on wednesday he was grouchy and had a temp, which spiked to 38.8 after calpol in the evening. He's not had a temp since. He's normally happy and content. since wednesday he's done nothing but cry, scream even if i'm holding him 80% of the day. he's dribbling a little bit but no other sig...
Hope it’s not off topic, but alone with my 10 month old and there’s a blockage in the kitchen sink. I tried to put product but didn’t help. I may have called 15 plumbers this morning but no one answered. Can you please recommend a plumber in Shoreditch? Thank you!
Are your babies starting teething? Symptoms?
Does anyone know what this is? It started when I was a few weeks pregnant; hurts after i brush so i’ve avoided doing it for a week or two. it’s like a black hole or something
Can you guys explain to me your teeth brushing regimen? When do you do it? Twice a day? How long? Before or after their night time milk? I have not been good about it at all and now there’s literally tartar on his teeth and I’m panicking and am starting a strict twice a day regimen, but i usually do it before the ni...
I’ve seen some people have started potty training and I have no idea where to start, I feel like I’m so behind 😩 how do you do it? Where do you start? I’m going back to work on Monday and just feel like I’ve left it too late to start!
For the past few months there’s been this white bump behind my son’s teeth. He doesn’t show that it bothers him. I thought it would go away but it hasn’t. Please don’t mind the boogers 🫣
Any idea what this white marks are? Got three off them on her gums! Is it an ucler?
For the past couple of days my 2 month old has been trying to put her whole fist in her mouth and she has also been drooling more. I’ve been googling (probably shouldn’t have been lol) but I read that it can be a sign of teething. I’m just wondering has anyone else experienced this with their baby this early on or...
Started potty training due to having more time over the holidays and my toddler showing some signs of readiness. Please share tips!
Can anyone give me any tips or an idea of what to expect for our first experience of teething? We woke up with a red cheek and looking back over the past few days he has been a little grumpy and chewing his hands more. We have just finished the sleep regression and it’s like we have restarted the trauma with fightin...
My son doesn’t wear diapers anymore and does well with peeing in the potty but still keeps popping in his pants. What worked for getting your little ones to poop in the potty? 😅
My little boy has been out of nappies for about 3 months but recently he has been holding in his pee for as long as he can? Anyone else experienced this? We’ve had a couple accidents as he hasn’t made it too the toilet in time due to holding it for so long
My Lo has got just one bottom tooth. I heard many saying it comes in pair. Is it something to be worried about? Is this normal?
My little girl is still in 9-12m clothes and I’m looking for some pairs of knickers for her as she’s using the potty. Would anybody have any suggestions to wear I could get tiny knickers from? Thanks!
Tips for potty training? Did people just stay in for a week? Or carry on like any normal week and just lots of stop for potty?
Currently cutting our first tooth and my little boy is so unhappy. We have used parsons powder and bonjela gel so far. Teething rings, matchstick monkey etc