Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
This was the only picture i was able to get showing his teeth for memories but also i feel so bad because i can tell it’s making him extra sleepy and clingy 😭 i had to stop the frozen celery because his bottom teeth were able to break through so currently have 8 silicone teethers in the freezer
Anybody else’s partner spend too much time in the toilet? 🥴 it’s starting to sound and seem like an excuse to me lol. Most times I need help with the baby or the baby is crying, he’s always “pooping” 🥴
My 13 month old has 11 teeth. I brush them twice a day but literally only for a few seconds each time because that’s all I can manage with his fussing a wriggling!! (It’s honestly like WWE!! 🙈) Is this normal? Will his teeth be ok or will they rot? What should I be doing? What do you do?! Help!! 🤣
Hi, does anyone know of any NHS dentists anywhere around Belfast? I am happy to drive 45 mins if needed. Any that I called so far are not taking new patients 🙈
baby boy is now 3 month . putting hands in mouth constantly . .. drooling … spits out paci. is this sign of teething ? how can i tell if teeth are coming in .
My little girl has this rash which has appeared this evening, she is 6 months old & has been teething recently! She also has a runny nose.
My son is almost 18 months old but he has been ripping his diapers off constantly. Is it time to start potty training him? I know it’s kind of early but he already knows that when I have to go potty I go to the bathroom and he will follow.
I’m so proud of my little girl. We’ve been on and off potty training for the last couple months but today it seems to have just stuck. She did all her wees in her potty today and a poo, all unprompted without any reminders. I’ve cancelled my plans tomorrow to stay home and continue, but I’m back on work on Tuesday...
Those who potty trained successfully, did you follow anything specific? How did you do it and how long did it take you? Please share your tips! From the look of the most recent posts, it looks like a load of us could do with some guidance!
Does anyone know if my month old daughter gums look okay?
Hey ladies, my 4 month old cries A LOT, he will play for a short period of time, is fed/nappy changed etc but still cries and screams. A lot of people are saying he is teething but I don’t see or feel any teeth coming through his gums. I am overly exhausted and frustrated because I do not know why he cries like this...
Hi boy mama’s! So I made the decision not to circumcise my son, yesterday night I noticed the tip of his pp is really red and maybe a little swollen. I do my best to clean after every change and clean while in the bath. I left him w my husband when I was at the er w my daughter yesterday and I don’t think he was cle...
when did you guys start potty training? my 18 month old just started putting her hands in her diaper and p o o p, so gross, but if you guys have what products have you tried, and tactics to get them to actually learn?
Is red flustered cheeks a sign of teething? My son is 6 months old tomorrow but he was born 5 weeks early so technically going to be 5 months old tomorrow. And these past few days his cheeks have been really red and flustered. He’s not sick, and he’s also not fussy, but he’s putting everything in his mouth and dro...
Hello mums! What were your first signs of teething? Is it too early to buy a teether for my 4 month old? Thank you!
Here for some advice! My LO (16mo) has a serious teeth brushing issue she hates it, won’t entertain doing it herself so we do it for her but she really gets upset. We brush for less than a minute every time as she literally just rolls off or runs away and gets so hysterical. But while we do brush we try our best to...
Anyone’s child still not potty trained? My daughter will be 2 & half in December and still not potty trained, every time I get the potty out it’s like she’s scared of it🥴🥴 Any tips/advice?
My little boy is 21 months, on wednesday he was grouchy and had a temp, which spiked to 38.8 after calpol in the evening. He's not had a temp since. He's normally happy and content. since wednesday he's done nothing but cry, scream even if i'm holding him 80% of the day. he's dribbling a little bit but no other sig...
Hope it’s not off topic, but alone with my 10 month old and there’s a blockage in the kitchen sink. I tried to put product but didn’t help. I may have called 15 plumbers this morning but no one answered. Can you please recommend a plumber in Shoreditch? Thank you!
Are your babies starting teething? Symptoms?